First Administration Building

The first Administration Building was completed in 1905. It was a two-story brick structure that measured 96 feet long and 64 feet wide. The building housed three recitation rooms, an office, a museum, two music rooms, a small chapel, and an auditorium.  It was briefly occupied by the W. P. A. educational program in 1939 before undergoing extensive renovation to accommodate the Department of Home Economics. (See also Home Economics Building)

The building was demolished in 1967 to make room for the third administration building (the B. B. Dougherty Administration Building, completed in 1968).

engraved tile "A vote governs better than a crown, Romulus Z. Linney, July 4, 1903"

Sources: The Dew Drop Catalogue Edition (1910, 1914), Appalachian State Teachers College Bulletin (1939, 1941), The Appalachian (January 12, 1967), Campus Buildings Timeline

first Administration Building