The afternoon of Saturday, June 10, the Special Collections Research Center was privileged to be a part of the 100th Anniversary celebrations on the Appalachian State University campus of the founding of the historic Camp Yonahlossee.
Former Camp Yonahlossee campers view items on display in the Rhinehart Rare Book Room in the Special Collections Research Center
As a part of the Centennial commemoration, over 100 former campers, counselors, and other staff (and friends) visited Special Collections for a special showing of historical materials from the Camp Yonahlossee collection.
Scrapbooks, yearbooks, photographs, artifacts, and other items from this collection were on display for alumnae and alumni of the Camp, formerly located between Blowing Rock and Shull's Mill, to view and reminisce about with friends.
Camp Yonahlossee alumnae were able to view scrapbooks, collages, and other artifacts during the event
Those attending the June event also had the opportunity to meet with Oral Historian Mark Coltrain about sharing their memories of their Yonahlossee experiences and to participate in an introduction to the items from the Camp Yonahlossee collection which have been digitized and are available online at this link. The Digital Collections items include scans of scrapbooks, photographic images, letters, and more.
Campers view items available through the digitized Yonahlossee Collection in a special display prepared by Reference and Instruction Archivist Greta Browning
Learn more about Camp Yonahlossee, and its history in the recent Watauga Democrat newspaper article by Jillyan Mobley here, and learn even more about the Camp (as well as Camp Catawba, an area boys' camp) and the collection with accompanying illustrations in an online article by the Special Collection Research Center's Reference and Instruction Archivist, Greta Browning, at this link.
The digitized content of the Camp Yonahlossee Collection is available online here:
Camp Yonahlossee Collection