This pathfinder offers a glimpse into the resources available on the topic of mental health care in Appalachia.
The following resources provide an overview of the topic, while the W.L. Eury Appalachian Collection at Appalachian State University offers a variety of secondary resources.
Clark, J., Walker, R., and Leukefeld, C. Encyclopedia of Appalachia, “Mental Health.” Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2006, p.1657-1658. ASU SPEC APP COLL: F106.E53 2006
Highly Relevant:
- Mental health services – Appalachian Region
- Social service, Rural – Appalachian Region
- Human services – Appalachian Region
- Medical personnel and patient – Appalachian Region
- Rural poor – Mental health – Appalachian Region, Southern
- Rural poor – Mental health services – Appalachian Region, Southern
- Child psychopathology – Appalachian Region
- Poverty – Psychological Aspects
- Sociology
Also Relevant:
- Rural health – Appalachian Region
- Social service, Rural – United States
More General:
- Community development, United States – Case Studies
- Rural health – United States
Mental health
- Culture
BF1-990 - Psychology
BF173-175.5 - Psychoanalysis.
BF176-176.5 - Psychological tests and testing.
BF180-198.7 - Experimental psychology.
BF207-209 - Psychotropic drugs and other substances.
BF231-299 - Sensation. Aesthesiology.
BF501-505 - Motivation.
BF511-593 - Affection. Feeling. Emotion.
BF608-635 - Will. Volition. Choice. Control.
BF636-637 - Applied psychology.
BF638-648 - New Thought. Menticulture, etc.
BF692-692.5 - Psychology of sex. Sexual behavior.
BF697-697.5 - Differential psychology. Individuality. Self.
BF698-698.9 - Personality.
BF699-711 - Genetic psychology.
BF712-724.85 - Developmental psychology.
BF725-727 - Class psychology.
BF795-839 - Temperament. Character.
Keefe, S. E. (1988). Appalachian mental health. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky. ASU SPEC APP COLL: RC451.4.R87 A67 1988
Ludke, R. L., & Obermiller, P. J. (2012). Appalachian health and well-being. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. ASU SPEC APP COLL: RA771.6.A63 A77 2012
Keefe, S. E. (2005). Appalachian cultural competency: A guide for medical, mental health, and social service professionals. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. ASU SPEC APP COLL: HV98.A58 A66 2005
Looff, D. H. (1971). Appalachia’s children: The challenge of mental health. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. ASU SPEC APP COLL: RJ499 .L65
Ginsberg, L. H. (2011). Social work in rural communities. Alexandria, VA: Council on Social Work Education. ASU MAIN STACKS: HV91 .S625 2011
Gaines, F. Kentucky Encyclopedia, “Mental Health.” Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1992, p. 625-626. ASU SPEC APP COLL: F451.K413 1992
Clark, J., Walker, R., and Leukefeld, C. Encyclopedia of Appalachia, “Mental Health.” Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2006, p.1657-1658. ASU SPEC APP COLL: F106.E53 2006
PsycINFO. Belk Library Reference Database. For my purposes, PsycINFO specializes in making available the back issues of academic journals in a wide variety of humanities and social science disciplines.
Search for:
“Mental Health” and Appalach*
Academic Search Complete. Belk Library Reference Database. Academic Search Complete covers books, articles, and other publications across all academic disciplines.
Search for:
“Mental Health” and Appalach*
CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Belk Library Reference Database. For my purposes, CINAHL Plus with Full Text provides full text access to more than 150 social science encyclopedias and over 100 handbooks.
Search for:
“Mental Health” and Appalach*
Olds, D., et al. (1998). Reducing risks for antisocial behavior with a program of prenatal and early childhood home visitation. American Journal of Community Psychology, 26(1), 65-83. Academic Search Complete. Retrieved December 5, 2012, from login.aspx?direct=true&db=psyh&AN=1997-38533-005&site=ehost-live.
Jameson, J., Farmer, M., Head, K. J., Fortney, J., & Teal, C. R. (2011). VA community mental health service providers’ utilization of and attitudes toward telemental health care: The gatekeeper’s perspective. Journal Of Rural Health, 27(4), 425-432. ERIC. Retrieved December 5, 2012, from login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&AN=66213963&site=ehost-live.
Curtin, L., & Hargrove, D. S. (2010). Opportunities and challenges of rural practice: managing self amid ambiguity. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 66(5), 549-561. Education Research Complete. Retrieved December 5, 2012, from login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=48946087&site=ehost-live.
Anonymous. (2003). NIMH grant to bring services to rural Appalachian communities. Mental Health Weekly, 13 (29), 1-3. Academic OneFile. Retrieved November 30, 2012, from login.aspx?direct=true&db=rzh&AN=2004012526&site=ehost-live.
Anonymous. (2009). OxyContin settlement funds to benefit Virginia providers. Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly, 21 (6), 3-4. Academic Search Complete. Retrieved November 30, 2012, from
National Institute of Mental Health. (2012). Mental health. Retrieved November 12, 2012, from /mentalhealth.html.
Zhang, Z. (2008). An analysis of mental health and substance abuse disparities and access to treatment services in the Appalachian region: Final report. Bethesda, MD: Appalachian Regional Commission & National Opinion Research Center. Retrieved November 12, 2012, from /LPS100133.
Appalachian Mental Health by Susan Emley Keefe
Appalachian Journal, Vol. 16, No. 3 (SPRING 1989), pp. 283-285
Michelle Freeze
December 6, 2012