Note: CLOSED STACK materials and journals do not circulate--library use only. The few related materials housed in the Music Library or ASU Ref. are thusly noted.
Adams, Juliette (Graves). Studies in Hymnology; a Textbook Designed for Study Groups Where Attention is Given to the Subject of Church Music. Also for Colleges, Schools, the Music Teacher and All Inquiring Students. 96 pages. Nashville: Cokesbury Press, 1938. UNCA GENERAL: ML3186 .A42 (available via interlibrary loan by clicking here )
Adey, Lionel. Class and Idol in the English Hymn. 341 pages. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1988. ASU MAIN LIB STACKS: BV312 .A33 1988
Are, Thomas L. Faithsong: A New Look at the Ministry of Music. 96 pages. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1981. WCU GENERAL: ML3001 .A73 (available via interlibrary loan by clicking here )
Arndt, Karl John Richard. George Rapp’s Harmony Society, 1785-1847. 682 pages. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1965. ASU MAIN STACKS: HX656 .N5 A7
Ashton, Joseph Nickerson. Music in Worship: The Use of Music in the Church Service. 232 pages. Boston ; Chicago, The Pilgrim Press, 1943. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3001.A82 M8
Bailey, Albert Edward. The Gospel in Hymns; Backgrounds and Interpretations. 600 pages. New York: Scribner, 1954, c1950. APP COLL STACKS and ASU MAIN STACKS: BV312 .B3
Bealle, John. Public Worship, Private Faith: Sacred Harp and American Folksong. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1997. 308 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML3188 .B43 1997
Benjamin Lloyd’s Hymn Book: A Primitive Baptist Song Tradition. Joyce H. Cauthen, ed. Montgomery: Alabama Folklife Association, 1999. APP COLL STACKS: BV380 .B46 1999 + 1 CD
Benson, Louis F. The English Hymn: Its Development and Use in Worship. 624 pages. Richmond: John Knox Press, 1962, c1915. ASU MAIN LIB STACKS: BV312 .B4 1962
_____. The Hymnody of the Christian Church. Richmond: John Knox Press, 1956. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: BV310 .B5 1956
Blackwell, Lois S. The Wings of the Dove: The Story of Gospel Music in America. Norfolk, VA: Donning. 173 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML3111 .B6
Blake, Thaddeus C. The Preacher’s Handbook, a Guide in the Discharge of Ministerial Duties. 183 pages. Nashville: Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House, 1880. CLOSED COLLECTION: BX6201 .B53
Blume, Friedrich. Protestant Church Music: A History. 831 pages. New York: W. W. Norton, 1974. ASU MUSIC STACKS ML3100 .B5913 1975
Boggs, Beverly B. Index to Selected Folk Recordings . Chapel Hill: Curriculum in Folklore, University of North Carolina, 1984. Accompanies microfiche #122. APP COLL STACKS: ML156.4 .F6 B63 1984
The Book of Hymns. Ian Bradley, ed. 475 pages. New York: Overlook Press, 1989. View online.
Brock, Earl E. A Devotional Interpretation of Familiar Hymns. 88 pages. Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press, 1969, c1947. WCU GENERAL: BV315 .B7 1969 (available via interlibrary loan by clicking here )
Brownstead, Frank and Pat McCollam. The Volunteer Choir. 72 pages. Washington, DC: The Pastoral Press, 1987. WCU GENERAL: MT820 .B76 1987 (available via interlibrary loan by clicking here )
Bruce, Dickson D. And They All Sang Hallelujah; Plain-Folk Camp-Meeting Religion, 1800-1845. 155 pages. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1974. BV3798 .B78
Buffington, Albert F. Dutchified German Spirituals. Lancaster, PA: Fackenthal Library, Franklin and Marshall College. 239 pages. APP COLL STACKS: M2132 .G3 B92 1965
Burrage, Henry S. Baptist Hymn Writers and Their Hymns. 682 pages. Portland, ME: Brown Thurston & Co. 1888. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: BV380 .A1 B9
Butler, Charles. The Principles of Musik in Singing and Setting vvith [sic] the Two-fold Use Therof (Ecclesiasticall and Civil). Reprint of the London: J. Haviland edition, 1636. 135 pages. Amsterdam: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum ; New York : Da Capo Press, 1970. View online.
Cantors at the Crossroads: Essays on Church Music in Honor of Walter E. Buszin. Johannes Riedel, ed. 238 pages. St. Louis: Concordia Pub. House, 1967. ASU MUSIC STACKS: ML3000.1 .C3
Church Music and Musical Life in Pennsylvania in the Eighteenth Century. in 3 vols. New York: AMS Press 1972. WCU GENERAL: ML3111 .P3 N18 1972 (available via interlibrary loan by clicking here )
Cobb, Buell. The Sacred Harp: A Tradition and its Music. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1978. 245 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML3111 .C6
Companion to Congregational Praise with Notes on the Music by Erik Routley. Kenneth Lloyd Parry, ed. London: Independent Press, 1953. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3162 .P3
A Companion to the Baptist Church Hymnal. Hugh Martin, ed. 197 pages. London: Psalms and Hymns Trust, 1953. ASU MUSIC LIB: BV380 .A1 M3
Covert, William Chalmers. Handbook to the Hymnal. 566 pages. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Christian Education, 1935. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3176 .C6 H3
Dakers, Lionel. Church Music in a Changing World. 113 pages. London: Mowbray, 1984. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3001 .D16 1984
David, Hans Theodore. Musical Life in the Pennsylvania Settlements of the Unitas Fratrum. 44 pages. Winston-Salem, NC: Moravian Music Foundation, 1959. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML200.7 .P3 D3 1959
Davison, Archibald T. Church Music, Illusion and Reality. 148 pages. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1952. ASU MUSIC STACKS: ML3000 .D3
Dearnley, Christopher. English Church Music, 1650-1750; in Royal Chapel, Cathedral, and Parish Church. 308 pages. New York: Oxford University Press, 1970. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3131 .D4 1970b
Dickinson, Edward. Music in the History of the Western Church, with an Introduction on Religious Music among the Primitive and Ancient Peoples. New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1902. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3000 .D65
_____. New York: Haskell House Publishers, 1969. WCU GENERAL: ML3000 .D3 1969 (available via interlibrary loan by clicking here )
Dorgan, Howard. The Airwaves of Zion: Radio and Religion in Appalachia. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1993. 226 pages. APP COLL STACKS: BV656 .D67
Douglas, Charles Winfred. Church Music in History and Practice: Studies in the Praise of God . Rev. edition with additional material by Leonard Ellinwood. 263 pages. The Hale Memorial Lectures of Seabury-Western Theological Seminary . New York: Scribner, 1962. ASU MUSIC STACKS: ML2900 .D73 C4 1962
Drummond, R. Paul. A Portion for the Singers: A History of Music Among Primitive Baptists Since 1800. Atwood, TN: Christian Baptist Library & Pub. Co., 1989, c1988. 486 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML3160 .D7 1989
Duffield, Samuel Willoughby. English Hymns: Their Authors and History. 10th ed. 675 pages. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1886. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: BV312 .D8 1886b
Ellington, Alfred Steven. The Preservation of Martin Luther’s Catechetical Chorales in the Works of Michael Praetorius . Thesis (M.A.)-- Appalachian State University, 1981. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML410 .P793 E44
Ellinwood, Leonard Webster. The History of American Church Music. Rev. ed. 274 pages. New York: Da Capo Press, 1970. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML200 .E4 1970
England, Martha Winburn and John Sparrow. Hymns Unbidden; Donne, Herbert, Blake, Emily Dickinson, and the Hymnographers . 153 pages. New York: New York Public Library, 1966. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: BV310 .E5
English Choral Practice 1400-1650. John Morehen, ed. 246 pages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3031.2 .E54 1995
Epstein, Dena J. Polacheck. Sinful Tunes and Spirituals: Black Folk Music to the Civil War. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1977. 433 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML3556 .E8
Eskew, Harry and Hugh T. McElrath. Sing with Understanding: An Introduction to Christian Hymnology. 331 pages. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1980. ASU MUSIC LIB. STACKS: BV310 .E75
Eslinger, Ellen . Citizens of Zion: The Social Origins of Camp Meeting Revivalism. 306 pages. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1999. APP COLL STACKS: BV3798 .E75 1999
Etherington, Charles L. Protestant Worship Music; Its History and Practice. 278 pages. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3100 .E8
Fairweather, Sharon Stapleton and Debbie DeVita. Women’s Work: Carrying the Culture. Boone, NC: Southern Appalachian Historical Association, 1991. APP COLL STACKS: NX510 .N8 F34 1991. See Sharon Kellam’s entry--on p. 28 she talks about shape-note singing.
Fitzwater, A. J. A Brief History of the Musical Movement: Or Stream, Which Was Started in Mountain Valley (Now Singers Glen, Va.) in the Early Part of the Nineteenth Century by Joseph Funk. 15 pages. Broadway, VA: A. J. Fitzwater, 1947. APP COLL STACKS: ML3551 .F16
Foote, Henry Wilder. Three Centuries of American Hymnody . 418 + 32 pages. Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1968, c1940. WCU GENERAL: ML3111 .F6 T4 1968 (available via interlibrary loan: click here )
Fox, Adam. English Hymns and Hymn Writers. 47 pages. London: Collins, 1947. ASU MAIN LIB STACKS: BV314 .G7 F6
Fox, Frederick. A Calendar of Hymns: 52-And One More- Hymns for the American Christian Year. 128 pages. Garden City, NY: Dolphin Books, 1961. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: 85.F791 C14
Frankiel, Sandra Sizer. Gospel Hymns and Social Religion: The Rhetoric of Nineteenth-Century Revivalism. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1978. 222 pages. APP COLL STACKS: BV460 .S58
Gillman, Frederick John. The Evolution of the English Hymn: An Historical Survey of the Origins and Development of the Hymns of the Christian Church. 312 pages. London: Allen & Unwin, 1927. ASU MUSIC STACKS: BV312 .G5 1927a
Goodenough, Caroline Louisa Leonard. Highlights on Hymnists and their Hymns. 505 pages. New York: AMS Press. ASU REFERENCE: BV310 .G6 1974
Gould, Nathaniel D. Church Music in America, Comprising its History and its Peculiarities at Different Periods, with Cursory Remarks on Its Legitimate Use and Its Abuse; with Notices of the Schools, Composers, Teachers, and Societies. 240 pages. New York: AMS Press, 1972 (reprint of Boston: A. N. Johnson, 1853). WCU GENERAL: ML2911 .G69 1972 (available via interlibrary loan by clicking here). 1853 edition available on microfilm: ASU MICROFORMS: LAC 10642
Green, Archie. Hear These Beautiful Sacred Selections. Los Angeles: John Edward Memorial Foundation. p. 28-50, a reprint from 1970 Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council . APP COLL STACKS: ML2911 .G74 1972
Green, Douglas B. Country Roots: The Origins of Country Music. 238 pages. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1976. APP COLL STACKS: ML3561 .C69 G73
Halter, Carl. The Practice of Sacred Music. Saint Louis: Concordia Pub. House, 1955. 96 pages. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3168 .H3
Harran, Don. In Defense of Music: The Case for Music as Argued by a Singer and Scholar of the Late Fifteenth Century. 175 pages. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3027 .H37 1989
Harrell, Gloria P. John Biggs (Pat) Alderman : An Overmountain Adventure. 257 pages. Johnson City, TN: Overmountain Press, 1991. APP COLL STACKS: CT275 .A47 H37 1991 (Alderman was musical director of the Baptist Orphanage Choir of NC; book includes sections on male choruses and community sings).
Harrington, Karl Pomeroy. Education in Church Music. 167 pages. New York ; London: The Century Co., 1931. WCU GENERAL: MT88 .H3
Hobbs, June Hadden. I Sing for I Cannot Be Silent: The Feminization of American Hymnody. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. 220 pages. APP COLL STACKS: BV313 .H63 1997
Hood, George. A History of Music in New England; with Biographical Sketches of Reformers and Psalmists. 252 pages. New York: Johnson Reprint Corp., 1970. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML200 .H77 1970
Hooper, William L. Church Music in Transition. 208 pages. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1963. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3111 .H66
Horn, Dorothy D. Sing to Me of Heaven; A Study of Folk and Early American Materials in Three Old Harp Books. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1970. 212 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML3111 .H67
Hunter, William C. Music in Your Church: A Guide for Pastors, Music Committees, and Music Leaders. 109 pages. Valley Forge: Judson Press, 1981. WCU GENERAL: ML3001 .H88 (available via interlibrary loan: click here )
Hustad, Don. Jubilate! Church Music in the Evangelical Tradition. Carol Stream, IL: Hope Pub. Co., 1981. WCU GENERAL: ML3100 .H87
_____. Jubilate II : Church Music in Worship and Renewal . 599 pages. Carol Stream, IL: Hope Pub. Co., 1993. ASU MUSIC STACKS: ML3100 .H88 1993
_____. True Worship: Reclaiming the Wonder & Majesty. 308 pages. Wheaton, IL: H. Shaw Publishers ; Carol Stream, IL : Hope Pub. Co., 1998. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3100 .H89 1998
Hutchings, Arthur. Church Music in the Nineteenth Century. 166 pages. New York: Oxford University Press, 1967. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3131 .H88
The Hymnal 1940 Companion. Prepared by the Joint Commission on the Revision of the Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. 3rd rev. edition. 741 pages. New York: Church Pension Fund, 1956. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3166 .P77 1956
The Hymnal 1982 Companion. Raymond F. Glover, ed. in 3 vols. New York: Church Hymnal Corp., 1990-- ASU MUSIC LIB REF: ML3166 .H88 1990
In the Spirit: Alabama’s Sacred Music Traditions. [Alabama]: Joyce Cauthen and the Alabama Folklife Association, [1995?]. Hymns, shape-note songs, gospel music and other church music sung and performed by various singers and instrumentalists; recorded between 1938 and 1995; accompanied by CD with the same title. ML2911.7.A2 I5 1995
Jackson, George Pullen. Down-East Spirituals, and Others. 296 pages. New York: J. J. Augustin, 1943. M1629.J147 D6
_____. The Story of the Sacred Harp, 1844-1944: A Book of Religious Folk Song as an American Institution. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1944. 46 pages. CLOSED COLLECTION: ML3111 .J3
_____. White Spirituals in the Southern Uplands; The Story of the Fasola Folk,Their Songs, Singings, and “Buckwheat Notes.” New York: Dover Publications. 444 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML3551 .J2 1965 edition ; and 1964 edition
_____. White and Negro Spirituals, Their Life Span and Kinship, Tracing 200 Years of Untrammeled Song Making and Singing Among Our Country Folk, with 116 Songs as Sung by Both Races. New York: J. J. Augustin, 1944. 349 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML3551 .J17
Johansson, Calvin M. Music & Ministry: A Biblical Counterpoint.138 pages. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1988, c1984. WCU GENERAL STACKS: BV290 .J64 1984 (available via interlibrary loan: click here )
Johnson, Charles Albert. The Frontier Camp Meeting; Religion’s Harvest Time. 325 pages. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1955. ASU MAIN LIB STACKS: BX8475 .J64 1955
Jones, Francis Arthur. Famous Hymns and their Authors. 337 pages. Detroit: Singing Tree Press, 1970. ASU REFERENCE: BV315 .J7 1970
Lawrence, Joy E. and John A. Ferguson. A Musician’s Guide to Church Music. 255 pages. New York: Pilgrim Press, 1981. WCU GENERAL: MT88 .L39 (available via interlibrary loan: click here )
Le Huray, Peter. Music and the Reformation in England, 1549-1660. 454 pages. New York: Oxford University Press, 1967. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3131 .L44 1967b
Lightwood, James Thomas. Hymn-Tunes and their Story. London: C. H. Kelly, 1906. 402 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML3186 .L72
Long, Kenneth R. The Music of the English Church. 479 pages. New York: St. Martin’s, 1972, c1971. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3131 .L6 1972b
Lorenz, Ellen Jane. Glory, Hallelujah!: The Story of the Campmeeting Spiritual. Nashville: Abingdon, 1980. 144 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML3186 .L86
Lovelace, Austin C. and William C. Rice. Music and Worship in the Church. 224 pages. New York: Abingdon Press, 1960. ML3100 .L7
Lundquist, Matthew Nathanael. Hymnological Studies. 85 pages. Chicago : Wartburg, 1926. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: BV310 .L85 1926
Macdougall, Hamilton Crawford. Early New England Psalmody; an Historical Appreciation, 1620-1820 . 179 pages. Brattleboro: Stephen Daye Press, 1940. WCU GENERAL: ML200.3 .M23 E2 (available via interlibrary loan: click here )
_____. 1969 edition. 179 pages. New York: Da Capo Press. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML200.3 .M23 E2 1969
Marshall, Howard W. "Keep on the Sunny Side of Life:" Pattern and Religious Expression in Bluegrass Gospel Music. Los Angeles: The John Edwards Memorial Foundation, 1974. 43 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML2911 .M37
Marshall, Madeleine Forellv and Janet Todd. English Congregational Hymns in the Eighteenth Century. 181 pages. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1982. ASU MUSIC STACKS: BV312 .M28 1982
McCart, Thomas K. The Matter and Manner of Praise: The Controversial Evolution of Hymnody in the Church of England, 1760-1820 . 153 pages. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1998. UNCA GENERAL: ML3166 .M33 1998 (available via interlibrary loan: click here )
McIntyre, Paul. Black Pentecostal Music in Windsor. 124 pages. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, 1976. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3178 .P4 M2
Metcalf, Frank J. American Writers and Compilers of Sacred Music. 373 pages. New York, Cincinnati: The Abingdon press, 1925. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML106 .U3 M3
Monahan, Brent Jeffrey. The Art of Singing: A Compendium of Thoughts on Singing Published between 1777 and 1927. 342 pages. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1978. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: MT820 .M75
Montell, William Lynwood. Singing the Glory Down: Amateur Gospel Music in South Central Kentucky, 1900-1990. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky. 248 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML3187 .M66 1991
Music, David W. Hymnology: A Collection of Source Readings. 235 pages. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1996. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3000 .M87 1996
Music and Religion. Stanley Armstrong Hunter, ed. with an introduction by Clarence Dickinson. 231 pages. “Fifteen sermons, by ministers of various communions, on the value of music in the conduct of worship.” New York : Cincinnati: The Abingdon Press, [c1930]. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3001 .H86 1930
_____. New York, AMS Press, 1973. (reprint of the above edition). WCU GENERAL: ML3001 .H86 1973 (available via interlibrary loan: click here )
Music in the Medieval English Liturgy: Plainsong & Mediaeval Music Society Centennial Essays . Susan Rankin and David Hiley, eds. 413 pages. Oxford [England]: Clarendon Press, 1993. UNCA GENERAL: ML3031.2 .M88 1993 (available via interlibrary loan: click here )
Pace, Adger M. and W. B. Walbert. Vaughan’s Up-To-Date Rudiments and Music Reader. Rev. and enl. ed. Cleveland, TN: James D. Vaughan, 1951. 96 pages. APP COLL STACKS and CLOSED COLLECTION: MT7 .P3 V3
Patterson, Beverly Bush. The Sound of the Dove: Singing in Appalachian Primitive Baptist Churches. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1995. 238 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML3160 .P28 1995
Patterson, Daniel W. The Shaker Spiritual. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1979. 562 pages. APP COLL STACKS, OVERSIZE: ML3178.S5 P4
Percy, Alfred. The Devil in the Old Dominion; A Fact Article and Two Short Stories on Early 19th Century Religion. 56 pages. Madison Heights, VA: Percy Press, 1952. CLOSED COLLECTION: PS3531 .E55 D4 1952
Phillips, C. Henry. The Singing Church: An Outline History of the Music Sung by Choir and People. London: Faber, 1968. WCU GENERAL: ML3000 .P48 1968 (available via interlibrary loan: click here )
Pierik, Marie. The Psalter in the Temple and the Church. 101 pages including diagrams & music. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1957. ASU MUSIC STACKS: ML3086 .P54
Pollard, Arthur. English Hymns. 64 pages. London: Longmans, Green, 1960. ASU MAIN LIB STACKS: BV312 .P65x
Pratt, Waldo Selden. The Music of the French Psalter of 1562; A Historical Survey and Analysis, with the Music in Modern Notation. 213 pages. New York: AMS Press, 1966, c1939. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3102 .P92 M9 1966
The R. Nathaniel Dett Reader: Essays on Black Sacred Music. Jon Michael Spencer, ed. 138 pages. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1991. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3556 .R25 1991
Rattenbury, J. Ernest. The Evangelical Doctrines of Charles Wesley’s Hymns. 3rd ed. London: Epworth Press, 1954. 365 pages. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: BX8495 .W4 R3 1954
Reeves, Jeremiah Bascom. The Hymn as Literature. 371 pages. New York: The Century Co., 1924. WCU GENERAL: BV312 .R4 (available through interlibrary loan ... click here )
Reynolds, William Jensen. Companion to Baptist Hymnal. 480 pages. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1976. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3186 .R48
_____. Hymns of Our Faith: A Handbook for the Baptist Hymnal. 452 pages. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1964. ASU MUSIC LIB: BV313 .R4
_____. A Survey of Christian Hymnody. 320 pages. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1963. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3186 .R5
Rhys, Stephen and King Palmer. ABC of Church Music. 206 pages. Boston: Crescendo Pub. Co., 1967. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3131 .R5 1967b
Rice, William Carroll. A Concise History of Church Music. New York: Abingdon Press, 1964. 128 pages. WCU GENERAL: ML3000 .R5 (available through interlibrary loan ... click here )
Riedel, Johannes. Soul Music, Black and White: The Influence of Black Music on the Churches. 159 pages. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1975. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3556 .R5
Robinson, Charles Seymour. Annotations Upon Popular Hymns: For Use in Praise-Meeting, Songs Services, etc. Cleveland: F. M. Barton. 581 pages. APP COLL STACKS: BV312 .B6 1893
Ronander, Albert C. and Ethel K. Porter. Guide to the Pilgrim Hymnal. Philadelphia: United Church Press, 1966. ASU MUSIC REF: ML3162 .R65
Routley, Erik. Church Music and the Christian Faith. 156 pages. Carol Stream, IL: Agape, 1978. ASU MUSIC STACKS: ML3001 .R83
_____. Church Music and Theology. 120 pages. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1965, c1959. ASU MUSIC STACKS: ML3000 .R68
_____. Hymns and the Faith. Greenwich, CT: Seabury Press, 1956. 311 pages. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: BV312 .R68 1956
_____. Twentieth Century Church Music. 224 pages. New York: Oxford University Press, 1964. WCU GENERAL: ML3131 .R5 (available via interlibrary loan: click here )
_____. 1966 edition. 244 pages. London: Herbert Jenkins. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3131 .R68 1966
_____. Words, Music, and the Church. 224 pages. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1968. UNCA GENERAL: ML3106 .R69 (available via interlibrary loan: click here )
Sachse, Julius Friedrich. The Music of the Ephrata Cloister; also Conrad Beissel’s Treatise on Music as Set Forth in a Preface to the “Turtel Taube” of 1747, Amplified with Fac-simile Reproductions of Parts of the Text and Some Original Ephrata Music of the Weyrauchs Hügel, 1739; Rosen und Lilien, 1745; Turtel Taube, 1747; Choral Buch, 1754, etc. 108 pages. New York: AMS Press, 1971. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML200.8 .E64 C64 1971
Sallee, Jame. A History of Evangelistic Hymnody. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978. 103 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML3186 .S18
Sankey, Ira David. Sankey’s Story of the Gospel Hymns and of Sacred Songs and Solos. Philadelphia: Sunday School Times Company, 1906. 272 pages. APP COLL STACKS: BV315 .S3
Schalk, Carl. Music in Lutheran Worship. 15 p. pamphlet. St. Louis: Concordia, 1983. WCU GENERAL: BV410 .M87 1983 (available through interlibrary loan ... click here )
Seipt, Allen Anders. Schwenkfelder Hymnology and the Sources of the First Schwenkfelder Hymn-Book Printed in America. Reprint of the 1909 ed. New York: AMS Press, 1971. 112 pages. APP COLL STACKS: BV481 .S3 S52
Showalter , A. J. Rudiments of Music: With a Few Choice Selections for the Singing School. 32 pages. Shape notes. Cleveland, TN: Tennessee Music and Printing Co. [19--]. MT875 .S55 1970
_____. Showalter’s Practical Rudiments and Music Reader. Dalton, GA: A. J. Showalter Co. 97 pages. CLOSED COLLECTION: MT890.S56 P730 1909
_____. Showalter’s Practical Rudiments and Music Reader. 1926 Edition. Greenville, SC: Owel W. Denson. 64 pages. CLOSED COLLECTION: MT890.S56 P731 1926
_____. Showalter’s Vocal Studies and Exercises in Musical Notation (Primary) for Day Schools and Singing Classes. West Milton, OH: J. Henry Showalter. 25 pages. CLOSED COLLECTION: MT35 .S56 1896
Smith, Betty N. Ballads, Songs, and Religious Music in the Southern Appalachians. 37 pages. Berea, KY Berea College Appalachian Center, 1976. APP COLL STACKS: MT6 .S664 B35 1976
Smith, Henry Augustine. Lyric Religion: The Romance of Immortal Hymns. 517 pages. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1931. ASU MAIN LIB STACKS: BV315 .S55 1931x
Songs of the Old Camp Ground; Genuine Religious Folk Songs of the Tennessee Hill Country. 85 pages. Ann Arbor, MI: Edwards Brothers, 1937. APP COLL STACKS: M1629 .M1415 S65
Sovine, Melanie Lou and Sue Smith. Been a Long Time Travelin’: Three Primitive Baptist Women. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky, 1982. 16 pg. transcript. APP COLL STACKS: ML3186 .B4 (comes with accompanying cassette, #496--ask at the desk)
Squire, Russel N. Church Music, Musical and Hymnological Developments in Western Christianity. 317 pages. St. Louis: Bethany Press, 1962. ASU MUSIC STACKS: ML3000 .S77
Steere, Dwight. Music in Protestant Worship. 256 pages. Richmond: John Knox Press, 1960. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3100 .S72
Stevens, Denis. Tudor Church Music. 144 pages. New York: Da Capo Press, 1973, c1955. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML2931 .S8 1973
Stevenson, Arthur Linwood. The Story of Southern Hymnology. 187 pages. Salem, VA: A. L. Stevenson, 1931. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3111 .S8
Stevenson, Robert Murrell. Patterns of Protestant Church Music. 219 pages. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1953. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3100 .S76
_____. Protestant Church Music in America; A Short Survey of Men and Movements from 1564 to the Present . 168 pages. New York: W. W. Norton, 1970, c1966. ASU MUSIC LIBSTACKS: ML3111 .S83 1970
Sydnor, James Rawlings. The Hymn and Congregational Singing. 192 pages. Richmond: John Knox Press, 1960. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3111 .S95
_____. Hymns and Their Uses: A Guide to Improved Congregational Singing. 152 pages. Carol Stream, IL: Agape, 1982. WCU GENERAL: ML3000 .S94 1982 (available via interlibrary loan: click here )
Tallmadge, William H. Baptist Monophonic and Heterophonic Hymnody in Southern Appalachia. Austin, TX: [s.n.], 1975. Bound Article: p. 106-136 of Yearbook for Interamerican Musical Research . APP COLL STACKS: ML3160 .T3
Temperley, Nicholas. The Music of the English Parish Church. 2 vols. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1979. ASU MUSIC STACKS: ML3131 .T44 v.1
Terrell, Bob. The Music Men: The Story of Professional Gospel Quartet Singing. Asheville, NC: B. Terrell Publisher. 332 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML3187 .T47 1990
Thomason, Jean Healan. Shaker Manuscript Hymnals from South Union, Kentucky, With Comment on the Musical Notation by Fann R. Herndon. Bowling Green: Kentucky Folklore Society, 1967. 56 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML3178.S5 T5
Tillyard, Henry Julius Wetenhall. Byzantine Music and Hymnography. 72 pages. New York: AMS Press, 1976. WCU GENERAL: ML188 .T5 1976 (available via interlibrary loan: click here )
Titon, Jeff. Powerhouse for God: Speech, Chant, and Song in an Appalachian Baptist Church. 1st ed. Austin: University of Texas Press. APP COLL STACKS: BX6480 .S8434 T57 1988
Two Notable Shaped-note Leaders: Joseph Funk by John W. Wayland [and] Aldine S. Kieffer by Weldon T. Myers, Wm. B. Blake, B. C. Unseld. Jim Presgraves, ed. with an introduction and update by Harry Eskew. Wytheville, VA: Bookworm & Silverfish, 1995. APP COLL STACKS: ML390 .T94 1995
Walter, Samuel. Basic Principles of Service Playing. 96 pages. New York: Abingdon Press, 1963. ASU MUSIC STACKS: MT180 .W3
Warren, James I. O for a Thousand Tongues: The History, Nature, and Influence of Music in the Methodist Tradition. 303 pages. Grand Rapids, MI: F. Asbury Press, 1988. ASU SPEC APP COLL ML3170 .W34 1988
Watson, J. R. The English Hymn: A Critical and Historical Study. Oxford: Clarendon Press ; Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. 552 pages. WCU GENERAL STACKS: BV312 .W38 1997 (available via interlibrary loan: click here )
Wayland, John Walter et al. Two Notable Shaped-note Leaders: Joseph Funk [and] Aldine S. Kieffer: Combined from Musical Million, Dayton, Virginia. Wytheville, VA: Bookworm & Silverfish. 36 pages. APP COLL STACKS and CLOSED COLLECTION: ML390 .T94 1995
Weiss, Ellen. City in the Woods: The Life and Design of an American Camp Meeting on Martha’s Vineyard. 167 pages. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. UNCA GENERAL STACKS: BX8476 .O16 W44 1987 (available via interlibrary loan: click here )
Wellesz, Egon. A History of Byzantine Music and Hymnography. 358 pages. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1949. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML188 .W363
Whittlesey, Federal Lee. A Comprehensive Program of Church Music. 215 pages. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1957. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3111 .W5
Wienandt, Elwyn A. Choral Music of the Church. 494 pages. New York: Free Press, 1965. ASU MUSIC STACKS: ML3000 .W53
_____. Opinions on Church Music; Comments and Reports from Four-and-a-Half Centuries. 214 pages. Waco: Baylor University Press, 1974. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3000 .W535
_____. Electronic version.
Wilgus, D. K. Anglo-American Folksong Scholarship Since 1898. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1959. See the section on “The Negro-White Spirituals” (p. 344). APP COLL STACKS: ML3553 .W48
Wilson, John F. An Introduction to Church Music. 207 pages. Chicago: Moody Press, 1965. WCU GENERAL: ML3100 .W3 (available via interlibrary loan: click here)
Wilson, Ruth Mack. Anglican Chant and Chanting in England, Scotland, and America, 1660 to 1820. 332 pages. Oxford: Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1996. WCU GENERAL: ML3166 .W55 1996 (available through interlibrary loan ... click here )
Wilson-Dickson, Andrew. The Story of Christian Music: From Gregorian Chant to Black Gospel: An Authoritative Illustrated Guide to All the Major Traditions of Music for Worship. 256 pages. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1996. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3000 .W54 1996
Yoder, Don. Pennsylvania Spirituals. Lancaster: Pennsylvania Folklife Society, 1961. 528 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML3555 .Y6
Zon, Bennett. The English Plainchant Revival. 410 pages. Oxford: Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1999. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3082 .Z66 1998
The Appalachian Collection has a large selection of church histories and religious group histories found in the “BX” section of the stacks. Discourse on the music of these churches is found within many of these volumes.
Related Journals on Hymnody All Journals and Journal articles listed below are Library Use Only .
Bluegrass Unlimited. Broad Run, VA: Bluegrass Unlimited. v. 3, 1968 to present. APP COLL STACKS: ML1 .B68
The Hymn. Fort Worth: Hymn Society of America. ASU MUSIC LIB JNLS: v. 40, April 1989 and v.42, 1991 to present.
The Journal of the Association of Anglican Musicians. Evanston, IL: Association of Anglican Musicians, 1992-- . ASU MUSIC LIB: v.7, no.10, Dec. 1998 to present.
Journal of Church Music. Philadelphia: Fortress Press. WCU PER: v.9 (1967) - v.30 (1988). Indexed in: Music Index 0027-4348; Reference Sources 0163-3546; RILM Abstracts 0033-6955; Music Article Guide. If pertinent information is found, order bound journal by clicking here.
The Musical Million: A Journal of Music, Poetry and Chaste Home Literature. Dayton, VA: Ruebush, Kieffer Co., 1870-1914? CLOSED COLLECTION: ML1 .M9 vols. 18, 20, 21
Precious Memories: Journal of Gospel Music. Young Harris, GA: Precious Memories. CLOSED COLLECTION: ML3186.8 .P74 Collection has: v.2 :5, Jan. 1990 - v.3:5, Feb. 1991; v.4:2, July 1991 - v.4:5, Feb. 1992
Rejoice! University, MS: Center for the Study of Southern Culture, University of Mississippi. vols.2-5, 1989-1994 APP COLL STACKS: ML3186.8 .R44
Vaughan’s Family Visitor. Cleveland, TN: James D. Vaughan. CLOSED COLLECTION: ML3186.8 .V38 Collection holds: v.71:10; v.72:4-7, 9-12; v.73:1-2, 4-5
Daniel, Harlan. “From Shape Notes to Bank Notes.” Tennessee Folklore Society Bulletin , Vol. 59:1, 1999. pp. 9-25. ASU SPEC APP COLL: GR1 .T36
_____. “Peripheral American Hymnody: An Overview.” Tennessee Folklore Society Bulletin , Vol. 59:1, 1999. pp. 26-29. ASU SPEC APP COLL: GR1 .T36
_____. “78 RPM Recordings of Sacred Harp Songs: Preliminary Notes Contributing Towards a Numerical Check List.” Tennessee Folklore Society Bulletin , Vol. 59:1, 1999. pp. 30-39. ASU SPEC APP COLL: GR1 .T36
Jameson, Gladys Vee. “All Glory and Praise to the Ancient of Days.” Mountain Life and Work , Vol. 41, Sum 1965, pp. 11-12. ASU SPEC APP COLL: GR103 .M5
_____. “They Came Singing: A Survey of Sacred Music of the Southern Appalachians.” Mountain Life and Work , Vol. 39, Fall1963, pp. 26-35. ASU SPEC APP COLL: GR103 .M5
American Hymns Old and New. 2 vols. with music. Albert Christ-Janer, Charles W. Hughes, and Carleton Sprague Smith, eds. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980. WCU GENERAL: M2117 .A573 v.1
Anderson, Robert. Gospel Music Encyclopedia. New York: Sterling Pub. Co., 1979. 320 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML102.G6 A5
Annotated Guide to Periodical Literature on Church Music . 2 vols. Philadelphia, Music Article Guide, 1971-1972. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML128.C54 A65 1971
Bishop, Selma Lewis. Isaac Watts’s Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1707: A Publishing History and a Bibliography . 479 pages. Ann Arbor: Pierian Press, 1974. ASU MAIN LIB STACKS: Z7800 .B57
Britton, Allen Perdue, Irving Lowens, and Richard Crawford. American Sacred Music Iimprints, 1698-1810: A Bibliography . 798 pages. Worcester: American Antiquarian Society, 1990. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML128 .H8 B68 1989
The Choirmaster’s Guide; Lists of Anthems, Solos, Services, Cantatas, Classified and Tested. Compiled by Harold W. Thompson, Helen A. Dickinson, and Clarence Dickinson, eds. 113 pages. New York: H. W. Gray, 1924. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML128.V7 T45
Cumnock, Frances. Catalog of the Salem Congregation Music . (as in Moravian church music of Old Salem, NC). 682 pages. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1980. ASU MUSIC LIB REF: ML125 .N67 C8
Davidson, James Robert. A Dictionary of Protestant Church Music . 349 pages. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1975. ASU MUSIC LIB REF: ML102 .C5 D33
Gentry, Linnell. A History and Encyclopedia of Country, Western, and Gospel Music . 2d ed., completely rev. Nashville, TN: Clairmont Corp., 1969. 598 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML2811 .G28
Gombosi, Marilyn. Catalog of the Johannes Herbst Collection. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1970. (Thematic catalog of Moravian Church music copied by Johannes Herbst). ASU MUSIC LIB REF: ML97 .H375 G6
A Guide to Music for the Church Year. 3d ed. Minneapolis. WCU GENERALS: ML128.P7 A9 1969 (available through interlibrary loan ... click here )
Hartley, Kenneth R. Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations in Sacred Music . 127 pages. Detroit: Information Coordinators, 1966, c1967. WCU GENERAL: ML128.S2 H4 (available through interlibrary loan ... click here )
Hatchett, Marion J. Music for the Church Year; A Handbook for Clergymen, Organists, and Choir Directors. “Based on The hymnal, 1940, of the Episcopal Church and on the Calendar as observed in this Church.” 138 pages. New York, Seabury Press, [1964]. WCU GENERAL: ML128 .C54 H4
Laster, James. Catalogue of Choral Music Arranged in Biblical Order . 261 pages. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1983. ASU MUSIC LIB REF: ML128 .C54 L4 1983
_____. 2nd edition, 1996 . 711 pages. ASU MUSIC LIB REF: ML128 .C54 L4 1996
_____. Catalogue of Vocal Solos and Duets arranged in Biblical Order . 204 pages. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1984. ASU MUSIC LIB REF: ML128 .V7 L38 1984
Lornell, Kip. Virginia’s Blues, Country & Gospel Records, 1902-1943: An Annotated Discography . 238 pages. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1989. ASU SPEC COLL REF: ML156.4.B6 L87 1989
McCann, Forrest M. Hymns and History: An Annotated Survey of Sources. Abilene, TX: A·C·U Press, 1997. 600 pages. APP COLL STACKS: BV312 .M33
McDormand, Thomas Bruce and Frederic S. Crossman. Judson Concordance to Hymns . 375 pages. Valley Forge: Judson Press, 1965. ASU REFERENCE: BV305 .M3
Metcalf, Frank J. American Psalmody; or, Titles of Books Containing Tunes Printed in America from 1721 to 1820 . 54 pages. New York: Da Capo Press, 1968. ASU MUSIC LIB REF: ML120 .U5 M3 1968
Miller, Terry E. Folk Music in America: A Reference Guide . New York: Garland Pub., 1986. ML128 .F74 M5 1986. See sections on “American Psalmody & Hymnody” (pp. 229-252), “The Singing School and Shape-Note Tradition” (pp. 253-291), and “Afro-American Music” (sections on Spirituals and Gospel Music, pp. 317-335).
Music, David W. Hymnology: A Collection of Source Readings . 235 pages. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1996. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3000 .M87 1996
Neal, James H. Music Research in Tennessee: A Guide to Special Collections . Murfreesboro: Center for Popular Music, Middle Tennessee State University. 75 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML125 .T2 N4 1989
Pfohl, Bernard J. The Salem Band . 85 pages. Winston-Salem: s. n., 1953. APP COLL STACKS: ML200.8 .W52 S37
Poultney, David. Dictionary of Western Church Music . 234 pages. Chicago: American Library Association, 1991. ASU MUSIC LIB REF: ML102.C5 P77 1991
Rau, Albert George and Hans T. David. A Catalogue of Music by American Moravians, 1742-1842, from the Archives of the Moravian Church at Bethlehem, PA . 118 pages. New York: AMS Press, 1970. ASU MUSIC LIB REF & MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML120 .U5 R14 1970
Ray, James. The Hymnal Reference Manual: An Index of Hymns, Hymn Tunes, Classifications, Key Words, Scripture References, and Key Words . North Charleston, SC: SoftRay Resources, 1991. pages. APP COLL STACKS, OVERSIZE: BV305 .R39 1991
Rogal, Samuel J. Sing Glory and Hallelujah!: Historical and Biographical Guide to Gospel Hymns Nos. 1 to 6 Complete . Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995. 229 pages. APP COLL STACKS: M2198 .G674763 1895 Suppl.
Schwerin, Jules Victor. Got to Tell It: Mahalia Jackson, Queen of Gospel . 204 pages. Oxford University Press, 1992. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML420 .J17 S4 1992. Released in conjunction with the CD, I Sing Because I’m Happy: Interview with Mahalia Jackson. Jules Schwerin, ed. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Folkways Records, 1992. ASU MUSIC LIB RECORDINGS: CD #2390
Showalter, Grace I. The Music Books of Ruebush and Kieffer, 1866-1942: A Bibliography . Richmond: Virginia State Library, 1975. 40 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML120 .U5 .S54
Sims, Henry Upson. 150 Great Hymns in the English Language, Selected and Ed. with an Introd. and Biographical Data on the Authors . 194 pages without music. Richmond: Dietz Press, 1949. ASU MAIN STACKS: BV315 .S48
The Sources of English Church Music, 1549-1660 . Ralph T. Daniel and Peter Le Huray, eds. 2 vols, 159 pages. London: Stainer and Bell for the British Academy, 1972. ASU MUSIC LIB REF: ML120.E5 D3
Spencer, Donald Amos. Hymn and Scripture Selection Guide: A Cross-Reference of Scripture and Hymns with over 12,000 References for 380 Hymns and Gospel Songs . 176 pages. Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press, 1977. ASU MAIN LIB STACKS. BV312 .S67
Stanislaw, Richard J. A Checklist of Four-shape Shape-note Tunebooks . 61 pages. Brooklyn: Institute for Studies in American Music, Dept. of Music, School of Performing Arts, Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, 1978. WCU GENERAL: ML128 .H8 S7. (available through ILL, on order for ASU)
Steelman, Robert. Catalog of the Lititz Congregation Collection . 488 pages. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1981. ASU MUSIC LIB REF: ML136 .L6852 M77
Steffy, J. W. The Valley Harmonist, Containing a Collection of Tunes from the Most Approved Authors, Adapted to a Variety of Metres. Also--a Selection of Set Pieces and Anthems . 2d ed., rev., enl. 336 pages. Harrisonburg, VA: H. T. Wartmann, 1845. [in Processing] ASU SPEC APP COLL CLOSED REF: ML 2117 .V35 1845
Stubbings, George Wilfred. A Dictionary of Church Music . 127 pages. New York: Philosophical Library, 1950. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML102.C5 S8 1950
Thompson, Harold W., Helen A. Dickinson, and Clarence Dickinson. The Choirmaster’s Guide; Lists of Anthems, Solos, Services, Cantatas, Classified and Tested . 113 pages. New York: H. W. Gray, 1924. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML128.V7 T45
Von Ende, Richard C. Church Music: An International Bibliography . 453 pages. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1980. ASU MUSIC LIB REF: ML128.C54 V66
Warren, James I. O for a Thousand Tongues: The History, Nature, and Influence of Music in the Methodist Tradition. 303 pages. Grand Rapids, MI: F. Asbury Press, 1988. WCU GENERAL: ML3170 .W34 1988
Warrington, James. Short Titles of Books Relating to or Illustrating the History and Practice of Psalmody in the United States, 1620-1820 . 96 pages. New York: B. Franklin, 1971. WCU GENERAL: ML120 .U5 W2 1971 (available through interlibrary loan ... click here )
Webb, George E. Tennessee Hymnals and Tune Books, 1813-1865: A Bibliographical Checklist . 1st ed. Paris, TN: G. E. Webb, Jr. 63 pages. APP COLL STACKS: ML128.H8 W43 1994
Amazing Grace with Bill Moyers. Alexandria, VA: PBS Video, 1990. A moving history of the timeless, inspirational hymn Amazing Grace; featuring: Boys’ Choir of Harlem, Johnny Cash, Judy Collins, Jeremy Irons, Jessye Norman, Jean Ritchie, and Marion Williams. ASU #6673
Chase the Devil: Religious Music of the Appalachians. Newton, NJ: Shanachie Records, 1990. Harcourt Films Production for Channel 4; color; focuses on the Holiness Church experience depicting exhuberant preaching and singing. ASU SPEC APP COLL VIDEO: VC 149
Fa-Sol-La-Mi: The Sounds of Faith. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Television Services, 1990. 29 mins; mono sound; color. ASU SPEC APP COLL VIDEO: VC 304
5 for the Gospel in Concert. Blacksburg, VA: Hay Holler Records, 1996. 5 for the Gospel performs bluegrass gospel from northeastern Kentucky; recorded December 8, 1995 in Ashland, KY. 57 mins; color. ASU SPEC APP COLL VIDEO: VC 151
5 for the Gospel: Victory is Sweet. Blacksburg, VA: Hay Holler Records, 1999. 99 mins; color; in concert at WTSF TV 61, Messinger Auditorium, Ashland KY, March 12, 1999; ASU SPEC APP COLL VIDEO: VC 373
His Eye Is on the Sparrow: Ethel Caffie-Austin, Minister of Black Sacred Music. Whitesburg, KY: Appalshop, 1999. “West Virginia’s First Lady of gospel music”; 56 mins; color with b-&-w sequences. ASU SPEC APP COLL VIDEO: VC 336
Smoky Mountain Hymns: The Video: A Celebration of Life and Music in the Great Smoky Mountains. Brentwood, TN: Brentwood Music, 1990. 34 mins, color. “Traditional hymns played on handcrafted instruments such as mandolin, mountain dulcimer and dobro, set against the backdrop of the Great Smoky Mountains.” ASU SPEC APP COLL VIDEO: VC 81
The Songs are Free. New York: Mystic Fire Video, 1991. 58 mins, color. ASU #6956. “Bill Moyers joins Bernice Johnson Reagon for a celebration of the power of song. Reagon traces the history of communal singing and the repertoire rooted in the Black church that continues to preserve and transmit the spiritual strength of African-American culture.” ASU MUSIC RECORDING: MLVC-180
Carl Ross Papers, Closed Collection
Dupuy, Melissa A. The Music of Mt. Paran Baptist Church. Class: Appalachian in Social Context, 1981.
Greene, Mary C. The Religion of the Great Revival Spirituals. Class: Social Context and Organization in Appalachia. Spring 1981.
Thompson, Deborah J. The Morning Star Program. Class: Seminar in Appalachian History. Spring 1985.
Miscellaneous Unpublished Papers, Closed Collection
Cabbell, Ed. The Shaped Note Tradition of Southern and Appalachian Blacks. Class: Religion in Appalachia. Spring 1980.
Daniel, Harlon. Peripheral American Hymnody: A View of History from the Back of the Brush Arbor. n.d.
American Gospel Music Directory
An online directory of gospel groups and songwriters, most with audio clips.
Appalachian Association of Sacred Harp Singers--Lexington, Kentucky
This site is devoted to education about shape-note singing with audio and visual representations, and lists a schedule of upcoming events.
B. F. White: The Sacred Harp Man
An online article by William J. Reynolds reprinted from the March-April 1997 issue of Away Here in Texas .
Checklist of Shape-Note Hymnals in the Rare Book Collection of Alderman Library, University of Virginia
As well as providing a historical context, the site lists holdings by compiler, many of whom lead singing schools.
Christian Harmony Home Page
By Larry Beveridge, offers a good background on shape-note singing and The Christian Harmony, with links to the singing world.
Fasola Home Page
A good starting point for finding information related to the tradition of Shape-Note or Sacred Harp singing, the site gives a good background as well as audio and visual examples. In addition the site features links to regional shape-note groups, annual singings, personal sites, resource guides, and email discussion listings.
History of Gospel Music in America, by Richard J. Mason
Article in the Handbook of Texas Online , a multidisciplinary encyclopedia of Texas history, geography, and culture.
Gospel Music Association
Site includes a calendar of events for the Association and the Dove Awards, an industry news section, and information and events for the Academy of Gospel Music Arts.
Gospel Music Hall of Fame and Museum
Established in 1995 in the Motown district of Detroit, the GMHF&M’s mission is to keep alive the memory and legacy of those who have contributed to the furtherance of Gospel Music. Site contains induction happenings, press releases, and a gospel music historical chart. Test your knowledge with the online Gospel Music Trivia Game.
Gospel Music Hall of Fame (including Elvis connections)
Bios with photographs of many of the great gospel singers and gospel groups are showcased in this informative site; and where possible, Elvis’s collaborations.
Gospel Music News
"Your Internet Source for All Your Gospel Music Needs" includes video and project reviews, monthly articles, artist spotlights, photo album, and a discount online gospel music store.
Gospel Radio Stations Online
One of the categories listed in the “Radio-Locator” Web site; includes (to date) 342 gospel music radio stations worldwide. Listen from the convenience of your own computer work station.
The Harmonia Sacra Web Site
by James Nelson Gingerich, editor of the 25th edition of the important Mennonite tunebook The Harmonia Sacra . There is information about the tunebook, the Harmonia Sacra singing tradition, and a link to the online version of The Harmonia Sacra Handbook.
The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada
For those who love, use, and create congregational song; includes hymnwriting workshops, a quarterly journal, a newsletter, and an annual conference.
Index of Tunes on Shape Note Recordings
In addition to listing tune titles with date a place of recording, the site gives albums with album notes.
Regional Singings and Conventions
An online network listing regional singing societies and their Web sites, conventions and singings, special events, and publicity.
Sacred Harp and Related Shape-Note Music Resources
An online bibliography of sources including singing schools and their newsletters.
Sacred Harp Online Index
Site contains the lyrics of all songs in The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition, searchable by title, page number, first line, composer, poet, or meter. Also included is word index as well as an interesting statistics page with song and word counts.
The Sacred Harp Singing Page
Professor Warren Steel at the University of Mississippi Department of Music, a foremost authority on early American psalmody and the Sacred Harp tradition, has compiled this site which includes directories of Annual Sacred Harp, Christian Harmony, and Harmonia Sacra Singings; articles and essays; ;and MP3 samples.
Shape Note Bibliography - by John Bealle
Author of Public Worship, Private Faith: Sacred Harp and American Folksong (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1997), John Beal has compiled an exhaustive site including a subject and author list, concepts, culture groups, geographic regions, influences, musical and religious forms, tunebooks and their compilers, and other bibliographic sources.
Shape Note Recordings Index
A searchable shape-note recording database that includes albums and tunes.
Shape-Note Singing Schools
online article by David Warren Steel, University of Mississippi, from the Encyclopedia of Southern Culture
Singing News - Southern Gospel Music Magazine
The Singing News Magazine of Boone, NC is the country’s largest Christian music publication. The first issue was published in May 1969 and has given Southern Gospel Music fans up-to-date information on every facet of the industry including concerts, conventions, banquets, new recordings and the latest chart action. Monthly editorial coverage provides a comprehensive picture of what’s happening in the Southern Gospel music industry and in the lives and careers of its popular singing groups and artists.
Southern Gospel Music Online
Articles and bios on the latest in Southern gospel musicians. Includes a “Top 20” list.
Southern Harmony and Musical Companion
by William Walker; features searchable database from the Southern Harmony hymnal. Searches include tune, first line, composer, and meter. 25 of the most popular hymns are shown in their entirety, with all verses printed.
Sacred Harp, Southern Harmonies, Christian Harmonies, Cherokee, Shaker, and Choral Settings
Church music from this “a cappella” folk music tradition consists of songs with 2, 3, and 4-voice settings printed in a variety of set shape-note notations found in hymnals such as The Sacred Harp , Christian Harmony , Old Harp of Columbia , and Southern Harmony . Emphasis is placed on singing with emotion rather than a mastery of blend and vocal technique, although these tended to follow, the longer a group sang together. Many regions of throughout the South continued and further developed this tradition with its roots in New England. Out of the singing schools grew a tradition of “singing conventions” where people would bring their Harps or Harmonies and sing for hours and days at a time, usually after the crops were planted and before their harvest. Potlucks at the singing “dinner on the grounds” mixed socializing with the singings, and young singers fresh from recent singing schools were given an opportunity to try out their newly honed skills. Folk hymnody remains a rich and thriving form of folk music, but a field that is still little researched.
The American Vocalist: Spirituals and Folk Hymns, 1850-1870. [France]: Erato, 1992. Folk hymns and spirituals of the late 18th-early 19th centuries from the Northern United States Performed by a varying number of voices, with occasional instrumental acc.; sung in English. Principal musical sources: The American Vocalist (Boston, 1849) and The Revivalist (Troy, NY, 1868). WCU audio collection: CD #T CohJ 002 (available via interlibrary loan by clicking here )
And Glory Shone Above: More All Day Singing from the Sacred Harp. Remastered from the original field recordings; Most selections previously unreleased; Recorded at the 1959 United Sacred Harp Musical Convention in Fyffe, AL. Cambridge, MA: Rounder Records, 1998. ASU SPEC APP COLL CD: CDisc #170
Anthology of American Folk Music. Volume Two: Social Music. Harry Smith, ed. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Folkways/Sony Music Special Products, 1997. ASU SPEC APP COLL CLOSED: M1630.18 .S65 A5 1997 v.2
Appalachian Folk Songs and Hymns: Sung by the Berea College Choir. Capitol Records, Custom Service Dept., 1964. ASU SPEC APP COLL CLOSED: ML3545 .A317 Rec. 16
Artus Monroe Moser’s Old-time Christian Harmony Singing (from the UNC-A Oral History Project). CLOSED COLLECTION: audio cassette collection, blue tape cabinet, drawer 121-160B, tape #143. [not cataloged]
Been a Long Time Travelin’: Three Primitive Baptist Women. co-produced by Melanie L. Sovine, Sue Smith; funded by Kentucky Humanities Council.Lexington: University of Kentucky, 1982. ASU SPEC APP COLL: ML3186 .B4 (cassette + transcript)
Bound for Canaan: Sacred Harp Singing from Sand Mountain, AL. All songs from The Original Sacred Harp, Denson Revision ; Sung by members of the Wootten Family and others; Recorded on the second Sunday of Apr. 1990 at Antioch Baptist Church, near Idler, AL. Birminglam: Hollow Square Productions, 1990. ASU SPEC COLL TAPES: TAPE 574
BSU Sings [Baptist Student Union]: God Promises Sunshine After It Rains. Canton, NC: Manufactured by Recording Services of W.N.C., [197-?]. ASU SPEC APP COLL RECORD: Rec. #848
Christian Harmony. Old time shape-note spirituals recorded on location in Canton and Etowah, N.C. and in Towns County, GA betw. 1977 and 1980. Supplement to Foxfire Magazine , Winter 1984. Rabun Gap, GA: Foxfire Records, 1984. ASU SPEC APP COLL TAPES: TAPE 542
Early Shaker Spirituals. Sabbathday Lake, ME: Rounder Records, 1976. ASU SPEC APP COLL REC.: REC #926 + 19 p. booklet by Dan Patterson
Fasola: 53 Shape-note Folk Hymns. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Folkways Records, 1991. ASU SPEC APP COLL TAPES: TAPE #648, no.1-2 + Guide
Fa-sol-la Is Here to Stay. Prestige [197-?]. Chorus conducted by Hugh McGraw. ASU SPEC APP COLL REC: REC #653 + program notes by R.D. Edwards
Folk Music in America: Volume 1, Religous Music, Congregational & Ceremonial. Richard K. Spottswood, ed. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, Music Division, Recording Laboratory, 1976. "Includes recordings from field and commercial sources; program notes, including words of the songs, bibliographical and discographical references, inserted in containers; various performers. ASU SPEC APP COLL CLOSED: ML3545 .A317 Rec. 368 + Notes
The Gospel Ship: Baptist Hymns and White Spirituals from the Southern Mountains. Program notes by Alan Lomax, texts of songs and bibliography. New World Records, 1977. ASU SPEC APP COLL REC: REC #500
Great is Thy Faithfulness: Sung by the Harmony Plains Singers from the Old School Hymnal, V. J. Lowrance, Director. [Midland, TX?]: Dorian/Southwest, 1991. ASU SPEC APP COLL TAPES: TAPE 613
Harp of a Thousand Strings: All Day Singing from the Sacred Harp. Cambridge, MA: Rounder Records, 1998. ASU SPEC APP COLL CD: CDisc #1583
He Whispers Sweet Peace: Brushy Fork Baptist Church Choir [of Vilas, NC]. Taylorsville, NC: Galaxie III, 1973. ASU SPEC APP COLL REC: REC #865
How Can I Keep from Singing. Vol. 1: Early American Religious Music and Song. “Classic recordings from the 1920’s and 30’s. ” Newton, NJ: Yazoo, 1996. ASU SPEC APP COLL CD: CDisc #89 + Notes
In the Spirit: Alabama’s Sacred Music Traditions. [Alabama]: Joyce Cauthen and the Alabama Folklife Association, [1995?]. Hymns, shape-note songs, gospel music and other church music sung and performed by various singers and instrumentalists; recorded between 1938 and 1995; accompanied by book with the same title. ASU SPEC APP COLL TAPES: ML2911.7.A2 I5 1995
Jackson, George Pullen, ed. Sacred Harp Singing. Washington, D. C. Library of Congress, Music Division, Recording Laboratory, 1959. Recorded originally by Alan Lomax and the editor at the 37th annual session of the Alabama Sacred Harp Singing Convention at Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 1942. ASU SPEC APP COLL REC: REC #100 + booklet
Jesus Will Guide Me Over the Crossing: Proffitt’s Grove Baptist Church. Boone, NC: The Church, 1970-1985. ASU SPEC APP COLL REC: REC #458
McGraw, Hugh. How to Sing Sacred Harp Music: Its History and Tradition. Bremen, GA: Unique Musical Services, 1984. ASU SPEC APP COLL TAPES: TAPE #532
Meeting in the Air: Sacred Music of the Southern Appalachians. Brasstown, NC: John C. Campbell Folk School, 1995. cassettes (2) ASU SPEC APP COLL TAPES: TAPE 667 + 44 p. booklet
Mountain Valley Music: Grassroots Music from Western North Carolina & North Georgia: Produced by the Folklore Project, John C. Campbell Folk School. Brasstown, NC: The School, 1990. ASU SPEC APP COLL TAPES: TAPE 562 + notes on the music and performers in booklet and on cassette insert
Music from the Sacred Harp: Odes and Anthems. Samford Sacred Harp Singers with Hugh McGraw, John Campbell, and Gene Black, conductors. Birmingham: Unique Musical Services, [198-?]. ASU SPEC APP COLL REC: REC. #914
The Music of Mountain Heritage Day. Cullowhee, NC: Western Carolina University, 1999. Features New Britain--local and regional shape-note singers, and Angel Band--a gathering of shape-note singers. Includes informative program notes (14 p.) by David A. Brose, Folklorist at the John C. Campbell Folk School. ASU SPEC APP COLL CD: CDisc #485
Music of the Americas, 1492-1992. Orleans, MA: Gloriae Dei Cantores, 1992. Includes shape-note choirs. ASU MUSIC RECORDING: CD-1823
Nearer, My God, to Thee: Songs of Comfort and Hope, Sung by the Harmony Valley Singing School, Bethany Primitive Baptist Church. Pontotoc, MS: The Church; Tupelo, MS: Music Room, [1992?]. ASU SPEC APP COLL TAPES: TAPE 614
Old Harp Singing. Program notes by Sidney Robertson Cowell, Old Harp Singers of Eastern Tennessee, performers. Folkways Records, 1951. LP #83 + booklet, and ASU SPEC APP COLL TAPES: TAPE 651 with program notes
Old Hymns Lined & Led by Elder Walter Evans. [s. l.?] Sovereign Grace, [c196?]. ASU SPEC APP COLL REC: REC #262 and #263
Oh My Little Darling: Folk Song Types. New York: New World Records, 1977. Recorded 1923-59; historical notes by Joe Pankake, with lyrics, bibliography, discography, and personnel listings (6 p., ill.); includes selections by Wade Mainer, Ernest Phipps and his Holiness Singers, and J. T. Allison’s Sacred Harp Singers. ASU SPEC APP COLL REC: REC #521
Powerhouse for God: Sacred Speech, Chant, and Song in an Appalachian Baptist Church. Recorded 1977-1978 at the Fellowship Independent Baptist Church, Stanley, VA. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1982. ASU SPEC APP COLL REC: REC #491 + booklet
Primitive Baptist Hymns of the Blue Ridge. Recorded at various churches in VA and NC in 1976. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1982. ASU SPEC APP COLL REC: REC #490 + booklet
The Primitive Baptist Radio Singers Sing from the Old School Hymnal. Cincinnati: Sovereign Grace, [1969?]. ASU SPEC APP COLL REC: REC #428
The Rabun County Gospel Singing Convention. Students of Rabun County High School in Clayton, GA; Field recordings from Battle Branch, Chechero, Head Tennessee and Liberty Baptist Church. Rabun Gap, GA: Foxfire Records, 1984 ASU SPEC APP COLL TAPES: TAPE 540
Sacred Harp Singing. George Pullen Jackson, ed. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, Music Division, Recording Laboratory, 1959. “First issued on 78 rpm records in 1973; first issued on long-playing records in 1959; recorded originally by Alan Lomax and the editor at the 37th annual session of the Alabama Sacred Harp Singing Convention at Birmingham, AL, Aug. 1942.” ASU SPEC APP COLL REC: REC #100 + Texts and bibliographical notes (12 p.) inserted in container
Sacred Harp Singing: from the Library of Congress, Archive of Folk Culture. Recorded by Alan Lomax and George Pullen Jackson at the 37th annual session of the Alabama Harp Singing Convention at Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 1942. Cambridge, MA: Rounder, 1998. ASU SPEC APP COLL CD: CDisc #2381 + Notes
Sacred Hymns of the Cherokee Language. Tulsa: Cherokee Language & Culture, 2000. ASU SPEC APP COLL CD: CDisc #514
Seedtime on the Cumberland, Vol. III: Music from 1987-1994. Whitesburg, KY: June Appal, 1998. CD #259 + 11 p. Notes
Shakin’ the Rafters: Abyssinian Baptist Gospel Choir . Alex Bradford, conductor, program notes by Leonard Goines on container insert. New York: Columbia Legacy, 1991. ASU MUSIC LIB: CD #1474
Sheep, Sheep Don’tcha Know the Road?: Southern Music, Sacred and Sinful . Alan Lomax Collection, Southern Journey v. 6, remastered from the original field recordings. Cambridge, MA: Rounder Records, 1997. CD #104 + 24 p. booklet
The Social Harp . Booklet with notes by D. W. Patterson, biographical and historical information, and texts of songs. Southern Traditional Singers; Hugh McGraw, Director. Rounder Records, 1978. LP #408
Songs of the Old Regular Baptists: Lined-out Hymnody from Southeastern Kentucky . Sung by members of the Indian Bottom Association of Old Regular Baptists; Recorded at Defeated Creek Church, Linefork, KY, 1992 and 1993. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Folkways, 1997. CD #179 + Notes
Sounds of the South: A Musical Journey from the Georgia Sea Islands to the Mississippi Delta . Recorded in the field by Alan Lomax. New York: Atlantic, 1993. Includes negro church music and white spirituals (3rd CD in a set of 4 CDs) CD #46 + 40 page booklet, M1629.6 .S7 L66 1993
The Southern Harmony & Musical Companion: Containing A Choice Collection of Tunes, Hymns, Psalms, Odes, and Anthems, Selected from the Most Eminent Authors in the United States and Well Adapted to Christian Churches of Every Denomination, Singing Schools, and Private Societies: With a Musical Anthology on Compact Disc . William Walker and Glenn C. Wilcox, eds. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1993, c1987. APP COLL STACKS: M2117 .S74 1993 (CD with circulating cassette tape; 4-shape)
Star in the East: Harmony Valley Singing School Chorus . Pontotoc, MS: Bethany Primitive Baptist Church, 1991 ; Tupelo, MS: Music Room. cassette #615
Watauga Spring Festival, Shape Note Singing (ASU Oral History Project). CLOSED COLLECTION: audio cassette collection, blue tape cabinet, drawer 213-261A; tape #260. [not cataloged]
White Spirituals from The Sacred Harp . From the Alabama Sacred Harp Convention; Program notes by A. Lomax, discography, bibliography, and miniature scores in shape-note notation. New World Records, 1977. LP #619 and CD #43 + Notes (1980)
Gospel Hymn Settings
Gospel music was a major venue for creative folk expression in rural Southern agricultural communities during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This folk art form was spread by singing masters who toured rural America with evangelistic fervor teaching musical fundamentals, mostly shape-notes but some round-notes as well, to young audiences. Community singing and its more formal cousin, convention gospel music, also constitute the first instance of mass musical participation across geographic and cultural lines in American popular culture, paving the way for more modern forms of mass musical participation such as country western music and rock and roll. Gospel groups, consisting of local, semi-professional and professional vocal ensembles (ranging from three singers to choirs), performed spirituals, hymns, and other religious works, usually with piano, organ, or other instrumental accompaniment. These groups exploited the popular harmonic, rhythmic, and vocal styles of the day in churches, religious concerts, radio broadcasts, and recordings. Bascom Lamar Lunsford: Ballads, Banjo Tunes, and Sacred Songs of Western North Carolina .Washington, DC: Smithsonian Folkways, 1996. CD #58 + 24 p. booklet
A Beautiful Life: The Stanley Brothers . Brighton, MI: Old Homestead, 1978. LP #710
Best of the Stanley Brothers: All Bluegrass, All Gospel . Dearborn, MI: Federal ; Distributed by Highland Music, Inc., 1997. CD #266 + Notes
Bluegrass Salvation: The Stanley Brothers . Nashville: King Records, Inc., 1998. CD #269 + Notes
Bradley Kincaid, Old-time Songs and Hymns, vols. 1 & 2 . Brighton, MI: Old Homestead Records, 1998. CD #233
Carolina Gospel Quartets: Spartanburg Famous Four, Shelby Gospel Four, Gospel Light Jubilee Singers: Complete Recorded Works in Chronological Order 1938-1939 . Vienna, Austria: Document Records, 1996. CD #122 + Notes
The Carter Family: Last Recordings, Sacred Collection: A Tribute to A. P. Carter . Brighton, MI: Old Homestead Records, 1991. cassette #671, v. 1-2
Chart Busters, Vol. III . Boone, NC : Singing News Magazine, 1991. cassette #573
A Child of God . Eldred Hill, mandolin, lead and harmony vocals ; Rusty Williams, rhythm and lead guitar, harmony vocals ; Jim Steptoe, banjo and harmony ; Teri Chism, bass, lead and harmony vocals ; Wayne Lanham, fiddle, mandolin, and harmony vocals ; Ed Barney, lead guitar and harmony vocals. Roanoke, VA: Copper Creek Records, 1998. cassette #701
The Church in the Mountains: Blue Ridge Partners . Brighton, MI: Old Homestead Records, 1983. cassette #734
Come All You Tenderhearted: Kay Justice & Ginny Hawker . Whitesburg, KY: June Appal Recordings, 1993. Recorded at Bob Read Studio, Charlottesville, Virginia, March 1993. CD # 6 + Notes
The Complete Early Recordings of Rev. Gary Davis . CA: Yazoo, a division of Shanachie, 1994. CD #87 + Notes
Concerto for Bluegrass Band and Orchestra . Performed by the McLain Family Band and the Carleton Orchestra. Berea, KY: Country Life Records, 1981. LP #479
Country Gospel Song . Compiled and annotated by Samuel Charters. [S.l.]: Record, Book, and Film Sales, 1971. LP #275 + Notes
Country Hymnal . Charlie Moore, vocals, guitar ; Bill Napier, mandolin, banjo, harmony vocals. Dearborn, MI: Highland Music, 1988. CD #136 + Notes
Cry from the Cross: Ralph Stanley . Mt. Rainier, MD: Rebel, [197-?]. LP #785
Dixie Hummingbirds: Complete Recorded Works in Chronological Order (1939-1947) . James B. Davis, lead; Fred Baker, tenor; Barney Parks, baritone; Jimmy Bryant, bass; Beachey Thompson, tenor; Ira B. Tucker, baritone; William Bobo, bass. Recorded in New York City, 1939 [part A]; 1944 [part B]; 1946 [part C]; 1947 [part D]. Vienna, Austria: Document Records, 1996. CD #123.
Early and Essential. Vol. 3, Sacred Songs: Wade Mainer . Brighton, Mi : Old Homestead Records, 1993. cassette #711
Early and Great: Wade Mainer . Brighton, MI: Old Homestead Records, [19--?]. cassette #707, v.2
The Early Years: Charlie Monroe’s Boys . Gospel and Country selections. Brighton, MI: Old Homestead Records, [19--?]. cassette #702 + Notes
The Early Years, 1953-1955: Carl Story: Secular and Sacred Songs with The Rambling Mountaineers . Brighton, MI: Old Homestead Records, 1982. cassette #710
E. C. Ball & The Friendly Gospel Singers . New York: Country Records, 1967. LP #707
E. C. Ball with Orna Ball and the Friendly Gospel Singers . Sommerville, MA: Rounder Records, 1973. LP #340
An Empty Mansion: The Stanley Brothers, In Memory of Carter Stanley . Brighton, MI: Old Homestead Records, 1986. cassette #697
Ernest V. Stoneman. Vol. 1, With Family and Friends . Brighton, MI: Old Homestead, 1986. cassette #738
5 for the Gospel: Christmas Time in Eastern Kentucky . Blacksburg, VA: Hay Holler Records, 1999. CD {in Processing]
Folk Music in America: Volume 15, Religous Music, Solo & Performance . Richard K. Spottswood, ed. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, Music Division, Recording Laboratory, 1976. "Includes recordings from field and commercial sources; program notes, including words of the songs, bibliographical and discographical references, inserted in containers; various performers. LP #368 + Notes
For God and Country: The Stonemans . Brighton, MI: Old Homestead, 1990? cassette #733
For the Good People: Stanley Brothers . Cincinnati: King, [1975?]. with the Clinch Mountain Boys. LP # 806
The Goins Brothers: Run Satan, Run . Melvin Goins, guitar and lead vocals ; Ray Goins, banjo and lead and baritone vocals ; John McNeely, guitar and bass ; John Keith, Mandolin ; Dale Vanderpool, banjo ; Dave Bowling, acoustic bass ; Ralph Stanley and Larry Sparks, guest artists. Blacksburg, VA: Hay Holler Records, 1997. CD #181
Gone Home: Hawkins County Grass . Dewey Goad, guitar, vocals ; Vanna Goad, vocals ; Danny Dalton, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vocals ; Ed Taylor, fiddle ; Pete Goad, mandolin ; Charlene Johnson, vocals ; special guests, James A. Shelton, lead guitar, mandolin, bass ; Steve Benton, bass. Church Hill, TN: Hawkins County Grass, 1998.CD #274
Good News Singers: Step out Into the Sunshine . Kingsport, TN: Tri-State Recording Co., [n.d.]. LP [in Processing]
Good Old Camp Meeting Songs: The Stanley Brothers . Cincinnati: King, [1973]. Recorded in Cincinnati, May 2-4, 1962. LP #807
Gospel Songs by the Original Carter Family, in Texas . Brighton, MI: Old Homestead Records, 1978? cassette #713 v.3
The Gospel Way: Crowe Brothers . Roanoke, VA: Copper Creek Records, 1997. CD #128 + Notes
Gospels Remembered . Cincinnati: Madison Park Productions, for the Cincinnati Dulcimer Society, [1990?]. cassette [in Processing]
Gotta Keep Praying: New River Gospel . Richlands, NC: New River Gospel, 1998. CD #230 + Notes
Great Sacred Songs: The Carter Family . New York: Harmony, [1963?]. LP #843
Handmade Hymns: An Acoustical Experience, Lewis Family Band . Recorded at HIS Studios, Hendersonville, TN: Daywind Records, 1996. CDisc #273 + Notes
Heart & Soul Trio: On Course . Mount Airy, NC: Granite City Studios, 1983. LP and accompanying studio tape [in Processing]
Heart of a Singer: Hazel Dickens, Carol Elizabeth Jones, & Ginny Hawker . Cambridge, MA: Rounder Records, 1998. CD #239 + booklet with biographical and program notes by Jody Stecher
Heaven: Douglas Flint Dillard (on lead vocals, banjo, and guitar). Chicago, IL: Flying Fish Records, 1979. LP #901
Heavenly Treasures: Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver . Durham, NC: Sugar Hill, 1983. LP #557
Heaven’s Bluegrass Band . Lester Flatt, vocals and guitar, with the Nashville Grass; recorded at Arthur Smith Studios, Charlotte, NC. CMH Records, 1976. LP #905 + program notes by F. Bartenstein on container
I Want to Preach the Gospel . Ralph Stanley, vocals and banjo with the Clinch Mountain Boys. Rebel, 1973. LP #786
I Worship God: John and Norma Jean . Asheboro, NC: Lamplighter Records, [197-?]. LP #931
I’ll Meet You in Church on Sunday Morning: The Stanley Brothers . Nashville: King Records, Inc. 1998. CD #231 + Notes
I’m Gonna Be There: Bluff Mountain Boys . Galax, VA: Warehouse Recording, [199-?]. cassette #606
In Memory: Molly O’Day . Molly O’Day, vocals, guitar and banjo ; Lynn Davis, vocals and guitar ; with the Cumberland Mountain Folks. Brighton, MI: Old Homestead, 1990. cassette #588
In Memory: Pickin and Singing, Featuring Teonar [sic] Guitar: The Delmore Brothers . [U.S.A.]: Pine Mountain, [1964?]. LP #194 + Notes
In the Spirit: Alabama’s Sacred Music Traditions . [Alabama]: Joyce Cauthen and the Alabama Folklife Association, [1995?]. Hymns, shape-note songs, gospel music and other church music sung and performed by various singers and instrumentalists; recorded between 1938 and 1995; accompanied by book with the same title. CD (on order)
Jesus Hits Like the Atom Bomb: John Alexander’s Sterling Jubilee Singers . New York: New World Records, 1997. CD #284 + 11 p. booklet
Jubilation! Great Gospel Performances. Vol. 3: Country Gospel . Santa Monica: Rhino Records, 1992. ASU Music Lib: CD #198.
Just as the Sun Went Down : The Moneyhuns . Roanoke, VA: Copper Creek Records, 1998. CD #241 + Notes
Kentucky Country: Old Time Music from Kentucky--Original 1927-1937 Recordings . Cambridge, MA: Rounder, 1983. Features Ernest Phipps and his Holiness Quartet and Bird’s Kentucky Corn Crackers. LP #522
Lester Flatt & Earl Scruggs with the Foggy Mountain Boys . Chicago: Mercury, [1960?]. LP #820
Light in That City: New River Gospel . Richlands, NC: New River Gospel, 1998. CD #229
Little White Church: The Dollar Brothers . Todd, NC: Dollar Brothers, 1996. cassette #732
The Louvin Brothers . Principally sacred country songs; Ira and Charles Louvin, vocal duets, accompanying themselves on mandolin and guitar; originally recorded ca. 1952, issued in 1956. Somerville, MA: Rounder Records, [1978?]. LP #397, with program and biographical notes by Douglas B. Green on container
March Around the Throne: The Powers Brothers . Boone: NC Powers Brothers, 199-? cassette #742
Me and My Autoharp: Earnest V. Stoneman . Brighton, MI : Old Homestead Records, 1993. cassette #696
Meeting in the Air: Sacred Music of the Southern Appalachians . Brasstown, NC: John C. Campbell Folk School, 1995. 2 cassettes, #667 + booklet. CD on order (or available at WCU: click here for ILL)
Memories Renewed: The Greenes . Boone, NC: American Christian Artists, 1994. cassette #641
The Model Church: Gospel Songs by J. D. Crowe and the Kentucky Mountain Boys . Lexington, KY: Lemco Records, [1974?]. LP #214
Music From Our Mountains: The Primitive Quartet . Chandler, NC: Primitive Records, 1986. LP #712
New Light Burning: Bluegrass Gospel: New River Gospel . Richlands, NC: New River Gospel, 1996. CD #227
Oh My Little Darling: Folk Song Types . New York: New World Records, 1977. Recorded 1923-59; historical notes by Joe Pankake, with lyrics, bibliography, discography, and personnel listings (6 p., ill.); includes selections by Wade Mainer, Ernest Phipps and his Holiness Singers, and J. T. Allison’s Sacred Harp Singers. LP #521
Old Country Church . Ralph Stanley, banjo and vocals with assisting instrumentalists and vocalists. Mt. Rainier, MD: Rebel Recording Co., [196-?]. LP #805
Old Country Church: Jim and Jesse . Cassette [in Processing]
Old Time Gospel Banjo Solos [Mel Bay Presents...] . Pacific, MO: Mel Bay Publications, Inc. 1996. Spiral bound book with CD [in Processing]
Old Time Camp Meeting: The Stanley Brothers . Nashville: Gusto, [197-]. Bluegrass gospel music recorded in Cincinnati, Feb. 8, 1961. LP #309
On a High High Mountain: Charlie Moore and The Dixie Partners . Brighton, MI: Old Homestead Records, 1974. LP #192
On Praying Ground: Doc Watson . Durham, NC: Sugar Hill, 1990. LP #764
One Way Track: Boone Creek . Durham, NC: Sugar Hill Records, 1978. LP #403
Over the Sunset Hill: Ralph Stanley and the Clinch Mountain Boys . Nashville: King Records, 1997. CD #161
Passing Through the Garden: Nimrod Workman and Phyllis Boyens . June Appal Recordings [1974]. LP #239 # 20 p. booklet
Precious Memories: Bluegrass Meditations . Whitesburg, KY: June Appal Recordings, 1982. LP #515
Precious Moments: The Blue Sky Boys . Barbourville, KY: Pine Mountain Records, 1963. LP #197
Press On: June Carter Cash . Atlanta, GA: 404 Music Group, 1999. CD [in Processing]
Radio Favorites, ’51-’57: Louvin Brothers . “All material on this album previously unreleased.” Nashville: Country Music Foundation Records, 1987. LP #669, with program notes, in part by Charlie Louvin and Emmy Lou Harris on container
A Sacred Collection: Molly O’Day with Lynn Davis and the Cumberland Mountain Folks . Brighton, MI: Old Homestead, 1975. LP #736
Sacred Songs Mountain Style . [Wade] Mainer’s Mountaineers, musical accompaniment. Brighton, MI: Old Homestead Records, 1993. cassette #704
Sacred Songs of Mother and Home: A Tribute to Wade Mainer . Wade Mainer, banjo, with assisting instrumentalists; recorded 1935-1941 in SC, NC, and GA. Brighton, MI: Old Homestead, 1971. LP #191 with program notes by John Morris on container
Sacred Songs: Timberline Bluegrass Boys . Hixson, TN: Crystal, Inc., 1990. cassette #731
Sacred Songs with a Down Home Flavor: The Miller Brothers . Brighton, MI: Old Homestead, [197-?]. LP #729, with program notes by John W. Morris on container
Safe in Christ: The Greenes . Boone, NC: American Christian Artists, 1992 . cassette #640
Sarah Ogan Gunning: Girl of Constant Sorrow . Folk-Legacy Records, 1965. LP #96 + program notes by Archie Green on slipcase
The Shining Path: The Bluegrass Cardinals . Durham, NC: Sugar Hill Records, 1986. LP #647
Singing from the Heart: The Hayes Family . Hendersonville, TN: Harvest Records, 1986. cassette #544
Singing News Hits of the 80’s . Boone, NC: Singing News, 1989. cassettes #572 v.1-2
16 Sacred Gospel Songs: Grandpa Jones and the Brown’s Ferry Four . Nashville: King ; Dearborn, MI: Highland Music, 1997. CDs #131 v.1-2 + Notes
Soldier of the Cross: Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder . Hendersonville, TN: Skaggs Family Records, 1999. CD [in Processing]
Songs of the Old Regular Baptists: Lined-out Hymnody from Southeastern Kentucky . Washington, DC: Smithsonian Folkways, 1997. CD #179 + notes
Songs That Tell a Story . Excerpts from a radio program of gospel music sung and played by the Louvin Brothers (Ira and Charlie Louvin). Rounder Records, 1978. LP #402, with program notes by D. B. Green on container
The Soul of Molly O’Day, With Lynn Davis and the Cumberland Mountain Folks . Brighton, MI: Old Homestead Records, 1998 CDs #242 v.1-2 + Notes
Southern Bluegrass Gospel: The Powers Brothers . NC: Dis Records, 199-? cassette #698
The Stained Glass Hour: Bluegrass and Old-timey Gospel Music . Cambridge, MA: Rounder, 1991. CD #27 + 6 p. program notes
The Stanley Brothers: The Starday Sessions . Floyd, VA: County Records, 1984. Recorded between 1958 and 1960. double LP #641-A and #641-B
The Stanley Brothers of Virginia . Floyd, VA: County Records, [1973-]. Program notes by B. Vernon; bluegrass and gospel music; Stanley Brothers with assisting instrumentalists. LP #331
The Stanley Gospel Tradition: Songs About Our Savior . Boones Mill, VA: Doobie Shea Records, 1998. CD #232 + Notes
Sunday Mornin’ Singin’ . The Bluegrass Cardinals. Los Angeles: CMH, 1980. LP #892
The Sunny Side of Life . Rounder Records [197-?]. LP #333
Through the Years, 1937-1975: E. C. Ball and Orna . Roanoke, VA: Copper Creek Records, 1997. CD #133 + booklet
Twenty-fifth Anniversary: The Powers Brothers . NC: Dis Records, 1994. cassette #699
A Variety Album: J. E. Mainer and His Mountaineers . Barbourville, KY: Pine Mountain, [19--]. LP #198
The Vaughan Quartets: 1927-1947 . Murfreesboro, TN: Tennessee Folklore Society, 1992. cassette #625; APP COLL STACKS: ML421.V38 V38 1992 (accompanying pamphlet)
Vocal Quartets Vol. 2, D/E/F/G, 1929-1932: Complete Recorded Works & Supplements . Vienna, Austria: Document Records, 1997. CD #209 + Notes
When Jesus Brings Sweet Glory Down: The Primitive Quartet . Canton, NC: Pisgah Records, 1973-1990. LP #457
White Gospel: Collectable Records Corp . Narberth, PA: Collectables, 1990. CD #201 + Notes
Within the Circle; Who Wouldn’t be Lonely: Blue Sky Boys . [S.l.]: Blue Tone Records, [19--] CD #9 + leaflet
You Can Feel It in Your Soul: Lester Flatt & Earl Scruggs and the Foggy Mountain Quartet . New York: CBS Special Products, 1987. LP #71
African-American Hymn and Gospel Settings
African religious music relies on the power of the words, the repetitive, stressed or redressive power of the words set to music. The church provided a matrix for social gatherings, education, philanthropy, artistic development, as well as worship. This formed a strong church-centered support for the African-American Sacred harp songbook, which continues to be performed today, along with gospel or more contemporary religious works, at union halls, county courthouses, schools, singing halls, community centers, homes and churches, the majority of which are Baptist and Methodist. African-American Sacred Harp music is also performed at conventions, memorials, anniversaries, picnics, birthdays, religious holidays, and Sunday singings. Songs tend to be homophonic and strophic, although fuging can be heard in some songs. Africans produced lasting innovations in the hymns that the Europeans brought to the campss, resulting in the camp-meeting spiritual, one of the major forces that directly generated the Sacred Harp , with a majority of B. F. White’s Sacred Harp in 1844 being taken from camp meetings. African-Americans in the musical current that flowed from Kentucky and Tennessee into northern Alabama still use the Denson Revisions of the B. F. White Sacred Harp ,while others use the Cooper Revisions.
Bessemer Sunset Four: Complete Recorded Works in Chronological Order 1928-1930 . Vienna, Austria: Document Records, 1995. CD #189
Complete Recorded Works in Chronological Order: Birmingham Jubilee Singers . Vienna, Austria: Document Records, 1995. CDs #114 v.1 and 2 + Notes
Black American Religious Music from Southeast Georgia: Hymns, Spirituals, Gospel; Ensemble Music & Solo Music . Jacqueline Cogdell DjeDje, ed. New York: Folkways, 1983. ASU MUSIC RCRDNGS: CD-2388
Black Vocal Groups. Vol. 8, Complete Recorded Works, 1926-1935 . Vienna, Austria: Document Records, 1997. CD #214
Blind Joe Taggart: Complete Recorded Works in Chronological Order, Plus Blind Gussie Nesbit 1930-1935 and Rev. Edward W. Clayborn’s Complete 1929 Recordings . Vienna, Austria: Document Records, 1993. CDs #96 v.1 and 2 + Notes
The Colored Sacred Harp . A collection of shape-note songs composed and arranged by African-American musicians in Southeastern Alabama (Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers) and published in 1934. New York: New World Records, 1993. CD #44 + Notes
Davis, Gary. The Complete Early Recordings of Rev. Gary Davis . [CA]: Yazoo, 1994. CD #87 + Notes
Desire for Piety: Songs from the B. F. White Sacred Harp . Shape-note hymns from W. M. Cooper’s 1902 revision of the Sacred Harp ; the last selection from Silver Gleams (Stamps-Baxter, 1958); Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers; Recorded April 17-18, 1993, Union Grove Baptist Church, Ozark, AL. New York: New World Records, 1997. CD #171 + Notes
The Earliest Negro Vocal Groups. Vol. 2, 1893-1922 . Vienna, Austria: Document Records, 1994. ASU MUSIC LIB: CD #1487
The Earliest Negro Vocal Groups. Vol. 3, 1921-1924: Complete Recorded Works in Chronological Order [of] Southern Negro Quartette, Florida Normal and Industrial Institute Quartette, Kentucky Trio . Vienna, Austria: Document Records, 1995. ASU MUSIC LIB: CD #1394
The Earliest Negro Vocal Quartets, 1894-1928 . Vienna, Austria: Document Records, 1991. CD #99
Field Recordings . Recordings of African-Americans performing folksongs, blues and gospel, recorded between 1934-1943 at state prisons and other locations in VA, NC, SC, GA, TN, and AR. Vienna, Austria: Document Records, 1997. CDs #206 v.1-2 + booklets
Free Hill: A Sound Portrait of a Rural Afro-American Community . Murfreesboro: Tennenssee Folklore Society, 1985. Includes historical notes, and bibliographical references by Elizabeth Peterson and Tom Rankin of field recordings they made in Free Hill, TN betw March 1 and May 30, 1983. LP #654 + 20 p. booklet with illustrations
I Sing Because I’m Happy: Interview with Mahalia Jackson . Jules Schwerin, ed. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Folkways Records, 1992. ASU MUSIC LIB RECORDINGS: CD #2390. Released in conjunction with the book by Jules Schwerin, Got to Tell It: Mahalia Jackson, Queen of Gospel . 204 pages. Oxford University Press, 1992. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML420 .J17 S4 1992
Jubilation! Great Gospel Performances. Vol. 1, Black Gospel . Compiled from singles and albums released 1937-1975; various performers. Santa Monica: Rhino Records, 1992. ASU Music Lib: CD #196 + Notes
Jubilation! Great Gospel Performances. Vol. 2, More Black Gospel . Compiled from singles and albums released 1937-1982; various performers. Santa Monica: Rhino, 1992. ASU Music Lib: CD #197 + Notes
O, Glory: The Apostolic Studio Sessions: Reverend Gary Davis . Silver Spring, MD: Genes CD Co., 1996. CD #142 + Notes
Pure Religion and Bad Company: Reverend Gary Davis . Washington, DC: Smithsonian Folkways ; Cambridge, MA: Nationally distributed by Rounder, 1991. CD #54 + Notes
The Swan Silvertones: Great Camp Meeting . Orlando, FL: Frank Music Corp, 1999. Originally released as an analog recording, circa 1965. CD [in Processing]
Note: Micro-format materials housed outside the Appalachian Collection are thusly noted.
A large portion of the microfiche titles listed below, related to sacred music in America, come from two major collections located in the basement of ASU’s Belk Library, in ASU Microforms. These distinct microfiche collections, part of a series entitled Early American Imprints , include reproductions of every existent book, pamphlet, and broadside published in America. The Series I, Evans , are materials published from 1639 through 1800. Series II, Shaw-Shoemaker , are materials published from 1801 to 1819. This series is considered the definitive resource of information about every aspect of life in 17th and 18th century America, from agriculture and auctions, through foreign affairs, diplomacy, literature, music, religion, the Revolutionary War, to temperance, witchcraft, and just about any other topic imaginable.
Another collection available on microfiche in ASU Microforms is the Library of American Civilization , or LAC . The LAC collection relates to all aspects of American life and literature from their beginnings to the outbreak of World War I. Included in the collection are pamphlets, periodicals, documents, biographies and autobiographies, fictional works, poetry, collections of various kinds, materials of foreign origin relating to America, and many rare books not generally available. All other listings below, with just the fiche #, are found in the W. L. Eury Appalachian Collection.
The Albany Collection of Sacred Harmony: Containing, a Plain and Intelligible Instruction for Learners of Church Music, together with a Lesson for Every Mood of Time, and for Every Key Made Use of in Psalmody. Also, a Collection of Psalm-tunes, Hymns, and Anthems Suited to All the Different Keys and Metres Made Use of in the American Churches, both for the Expression of Joy and Thankfulness, or for Funerals and Subjects of Grief . Jonathan Huntington, ed. 91 pages. Northampton, MA: by Andrew Wright for Daniel Stell, book-binder, Court-Street, corner of Hudson Street, Albany--and by C. R. and G. Webster, 1800. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 37667
The American Camp-Meeting Hymn Book: Containing a Variety of Original Hymns, Suitable to be Used at Camp-meetings, and at Other Times in Private and Social Devotions . Enoch Mudge, ed. 158 pages without music. Boston: Joseph Burdakin, 1818. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #44918
The American Harmony: Containing, in a Concise Manner, the Rules of Singing; Together with a Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems. From the Most Approved Authors, Ancient and Modern . Nehemiah Shumway, A.B., ed. 212 pages. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by John M’Culloch, at no. 1, North Third-Street, 1793. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 26162
The American Harmony: or, Royal Melody Complete: In Two Volumes: Vol. I. Containing, I. A New and Correct Introduction to the Grounds of Musick, Rudemental, Practical and Technical. II. A New and Complete Body of Church Musick, Adapted to the Most Select Portions of the Book of Psalms, of Either Versions; with Many Fuging Chorus’s, and Gloria Patri’s to the Whole. III. A New and Select Number of Hymns, Anthems, and Canons, Suited to Several Occasions; and Many of them Never Before Printed; Set by the Greatest Masters in the World. The Whole Are Composed in Two, Three, Four, and Five Musical Parts, According to the Nicest Rules; Consisting of Solo’s, Fuges, and Chorus’s, Correctly Set in Score for Voices or Organ; and Fitted for All Teachers, Learners, and Musical Societies, &c . William Tans’ur, Senior, musico theorico, ed. 5th edtion, Newburyport, MA: Printed and sold by Daniel Bayley, at his house next door to St. Paul’s Church, 1769 or 1770, with additions. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 11489
_____. 6th edition , 1771, with additions. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 12240
_____. 7th edition , 1771, with additions. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 12241
_____. 8th edition , 1773, with additions. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 13035
_____. 8th edition , 1774, with additions. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 13647
The American Singing Book; or A New and Easy Guide to the Art of Psalmody: Designed for the Use of Singing-schools in America. Containing in a Plain and Familiar Manner, the Rules of Psalmody, Together with a Number of Psalm-tunes, &c . Daniel Read, ed. 72 pages. New-Haven: Printed for and sold by the author, 1785. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 19213
_____. 2nd edition, corrected. 72 pages. New-Haven: Printed for and sold by the author, 1786. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 44957
_____. ... to which is Added, a Supplement, containing Twenty-five Approved Psalm Tunes, from Different Authors . 3rd edition. 72 + 16 pages. New-Haven: Printed for, and sold by the author, 1787. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 20673
_____. 4th edition. 72 + 16 pages. New-Haven: Printed by Thomas and Samuel Green for, and sold by the author, 1793. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 26056
Anderson, John. A Discourse on the Divine Ordinance of Singing Psalms: Intended to Prove, I. That the Singing of Psalms is a Part of that Social or Publick Worship Which God Hath Appointed in His Word. II. That There Are Parts of the Sacred Scriptures Adapted to the Purpose of Singing, Which Ought to be Used... . 112 pages. Philadelphia: William Young, 1791. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 23123
_____. Vindiciae Cantus Dominici: Or a Vindication of the Doctrine Taught in a Discourse on the Divine Ordinance of Singing Psalms . 184 pages. Philadelphia: William Young, 1793. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 25110
_____. Vindiciae Cantus Dominici: In Two Parts: I. A Discourse on the Duty of Singing the Book of Psalms in Solemn Worship. II. A Vindication of the Doctrine Taught in the Preceding Discourse: With an Appendix: Containing Essays and Observations on Various Subjects . 403 pages. Philadelphia: David Hogan, 1800. ASU MICROFORM S: EVANS 36836
An Arrangement of the Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Rev. Isaac Watts: To Which are Added Indexes, Very Much Enlarged and Improved, to Facilitate the Use of the Whole in Finding Psalms or Hymns Suited to Particular Subjects or Occasions . Isaac Watts, ed. Without music; tunes indicated by title. Boston: James Loring, 1818. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #46831
The Art of Singing: In Three Parts: I. The Musical Primer, II. The Christian Harmony, III. The Musical Magazine . Andrew Law, editor. 2nd ed. 64 pages of plates and music. Cheshire, CT: Printed and sold by William Law, 1794-1796. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 27204
_____. 1800-1801 edition . 224 pages. Cheshire, CT: Samuel Andrews. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 37787
Baird, Thomas Dickson. Science of Praise, or, An Illustration of the Nature and Design of Sacred Psalmody: As Used in the Worship of God: and a Consideration of the Precepts and Examples of Scripture, and the Practice of the Christian Church, Relating to its Exercise, in a Series of Letters . 107 pages. Zanesville, OH: Printed for the author, by Putnam & Clark, 1816. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 36786
Balch, William. Address on Music: Delivered to the Salisbury and Amesbury Singing Societies... . 12 pages. Newburyport, MA: Printed by W. & J. Gilman, 1812. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 24679
Bascom, William. A Discourse, Delivered at a Singing-lecture in Ashburnham, March 10th, 1814 . 14 pages. Boston: Printed by Lincoln & Edmands, 1814. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 30810
Bayley, Daniel. The Psalm-Singer’s Assistant: Containing I. An Introduction, with Such Directions for Singing, as are Necessary for Learners. II. A Collection of Choice Psalm-tunes, Suited to the Several Measures both of the Old and New Version; Engraved in a Correct Manner, and is Designed for the Improvement of Psalmody, in the Congregations, both in Town and Country: All Being Composed in Three Parts, Collected from the Best Masters . 8 pages + 16 leaves of music. Newburyport, MA: The Author, 1764-68. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 18926
_____. alternate edition, 1764-68 . ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 41692
_____. alternate edition, 1767 . ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 41691
Belknap, Daniel. The Harmonist’s Companion: Containing a Number of Airs Suitable for Divine Worship: Together with an Anthem for Easter, and a Masonic Ode: Never Before Published . 31 pages. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1797. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 31792 28255
Billings, William. The New-England Psalm-singer: or, American Chorister: Containing a Number of Psalm-tunes, Anthems and Canons. In four and five parts. (Never Before Published.) / Composed by William Billings, a Native of Boston, New-England . 112 + 108 pages of music. Boston: Printed by Edes and Gill and to be sold by them at their printing-office in Queen-Street; by Deacon Elliot, under Liberty-tree; by Josiah Flagg in Fish-Street; by Gillam Bass, the corner of Ann-Street; and by the author, 1770. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 11572
_____. The Psalm-singer’s Amusement: Containing a Number of Fuging Pieces and Anthems . 103 pages. Boston: Printed and sold by the author at his house near the White Horse, Boston, 1781. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 17104
_____. The Singing Master’s Assistant, or Key to Practical Music: Being an Abridgement from The New-England Psalm-singer; Together with Several Other Tunes, Never Before Published . 104 pages. Boston: Draper and Folsom, 1778. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 15744
_____. The Suffolk Harmony: Consisting of Psalm Tunes, Fuges and Anthems . 56 + 8 p. of plates. Boston: J. Norman, 1786. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 19512
_____. 3rd edition, 1781 . 32 + 104 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 43943
Black, John. The Duty of Christians in Singing the Praise of God, Explained: A Sermon by John Black, Pastor of the Upper Presbyterian Congregation of Marsh-Creek, Pennsylvania . 47 pages. Carlisle, PA: Kline & Reynolds, 1790. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 22364
_____. 1792 edition . York, PA: John and James Edie. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 46389
_____. An Examination of the Reverend John Anderson’s Discourse, on the Divine Ordinance of Singing Psalms: Wherein the Inconclusive Reasoning, and Many Inconsistencies of that Writer, are Detected; and the Truth Vindicated; Agreeably to the Principles Exhibited in a Sermon on the Subject of Psalmody, Published by the Author Hereof, in the Year 1790 by John Black, Pastor of the Upper Presbyterian Congregation of Marsh-Creek, Pennsylvania . 114 pages. York, PA: John and James Edie, 1792. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 24116
Blair, Samuel. A Discourse on Psalmody: Delivered by the Rev. Samuel Blair, in the Presbyterian Church in Neshaminy, at a Public Concert, Given by Mr. Spicer, Master in Sacred Music. Under the Superintendency of the Rev. Mr. Erwin, Pastor of That Church; Published by Desire; With an Appendix, Containing the Addresses of Mr. Erwin, and Mr. Spicer, on the Occasion . 36 pages. Philadelphia: John M’Culloch, 1789. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 21695
Boggs, Beverly B. Index to Selected Folk Recordings . Chapel Hill: Curriculum in Folklore, University of North Carolina, 1984. 55 fiche. Accompanies ML156.4 .F6 B63 1984. #122
The Boston Collection: Containing, I. An Introduction to the Grounds of Music; or Rules for Learners. II. A Large Collection of the Most Celebrated Psalm and Hymn tunes ... Selected by a Committee from the Singing Societies of Every Denomination in Boston . 112 pages. Boston: Printed and sold by William Norman, bookseller and stationer, no. 75, Newbury-Street, ca. 1798. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 48377
The Boston Collection of Sacred and Devotional Hymns: Intended to Accomodate Christians on Special and Stated Occasions . 156 pages. Boston: Manning and Loring, 1808. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #14552
Brooke, William T. Old English Psalmody: From the Accession of Edward VI to the Restoration of Charles II, 1547-1660 . 90 pages. London: William Reeves, 1916. ASU MICROFORMS: LEL 40037 (Library of English Literature)
The Camp Meeting Hymn Book: A New Collection from Various Authors Compiled for the Use of the Pious . Theophilus Daniels, ed. 160 pages. Sangerfield, NY: Tenny & Miller, 1816. ASU MICROFORMS:Shaw-Shoemaker #37387
The Camp Meeting: The Extravagant Zeal of Religious Fanatics and the Licentious Rioting of Unprincipled People who Attend These Meetings, Deserve the Severest Censure ... by the Druid of the Lakes . 12 pages. [United States : s.n.], 1810. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 19707
Campbell, John P. A Sermon on Sacred Music: Preached before a Public Concert, in Washington . 38 pages. Washington, KY: Hunter and Beaumont, 1797. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 31912
Chauncey, Nathaniel. Regular Singing Defended, and Proved to be the Only True Way of Singing the Songs of the Lord; by Arguments both from Reason and Scripture: Having Been Heard and Approved of, by the General Association of Hartford, May the 12th. 1727. With Their Recommendation of it to the Publick . 54 pages. N. London [i.e., New London, CT]: Printed and sold by T. Green, 1728. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 3006
Children’s Hymn Book: Being a Selection of Hymns from Various Authors . 35 pages. Newark, NJ: William Tuttle, 1819. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #47582
The Children’s Hymn Book: Being a Selection of Hymns from Various Authors... . Robert May, ed. 159 pages. Philadelphia: Thomas & William Bradford, 1811. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #23360
A Choice Collection of Conference Hymns, Compiled from the Writings of Various Authors . 52 pages. Montepelier, VT: Walton & Goss, 1811. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #22523
A Choice Collection of Hymns and Moral Songs: Adapted to the Capacities of Young People, on the Several Duties and Incidents of Life ... : To Which is Added, Specimens of Divine Poetry . 111 pages. Hartford: John Babcock, 1801. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #304
A Choice Collection of Hymns & Spiritual Songs: Designed for the Use of the Pious of All Denominations . 240 pages. Hartwick, NY: Todds, Clark & Crandal, 1814. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #31145
A Choice Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs: Intended for the Edification of Sincere Christians, of All Denominations . Samson Occom, Minister of the Gospel, ed. 119 pages. New-London, CT: Timothy Green, 1774. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 13507
_____. 2nd edition, 1785 . 112 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 19152
_____. 3rd edition, 1787 . 109 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 45118
A Choice Collection of Hymns from Various Authors Adapted to Publick Worship: Designed for the Edification of the Pious of All Denominations; But More Particularly for the Use of the Baptist Church in Philadelphia . Philadelphia: Printed by Enoch Story, Jun. [sic] living in Strawberry-Alley, 1784. ASU MICROFICHE: EVANS 18398
A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Hymns for the Devotion of Christians of All Denominations . Ezekiel Terry, ed. 58 pages. Palmer, MA: The author’s press, 1813. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #29935
A Choice Selection of Evangelical Hymns from Various Authors for the Use of the English Evangelical Lutheran Church in New-York . Ralph Williston, ed. 319 pages. New York: J. C. Totten, 1806. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #11883
A Choice Selection of Hymns & Spiritual Songs, Designed for the Use of the Pious . 168 pages. Philadelphia: Dickinson & Heartt, 1805. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #50513
_____. New York: John C. Totten, 1807. 168 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #12299
_____. New York: Eastburn, Kirk & Co., 1813. 164 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #28127
_____. Philadelphia: Jonathan Pounder, 1814. 162 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #31147
A Choice Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Designed to Aid in the Devotions of Prayer, Conference, and Camp Meetings . 168 pages. Concord, NH: 1828. ASU MICROFORMS: LAC 16672
A Choice Selection of Hymns for the Glory of Christ . Abraham Krupp, ed. 30 pages. Mathetchy, PA: Abraham Krupp, 1814. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #31148
A Choice Selection of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs: For the Use of Christians . John MacKenzie et al., eds. 600 pages. Woodstock, VT: David Watson, 1819. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #48547
The Chorister’s Companion: Containing, Besides the Necessary Rules of Psalmody, a Choice and Valuable Collections of Psalm-tunes, Hymns and Anthems, from the Most Celebrated Ancient & Modern Authors; Together with Several Tunes Never Before Published . 2nd edition, corrected and enlarged. 120 pages. New-Haven: Published and sold by Simeon Jocelin, 1788. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 21177
_____. ca. 1792. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 23472 24433
The Chorister’s Companion: or Church Music Revised: Containing, Besides the Necessary Rules of Psalmody; a Variety of Plain and Fuging Psalm Tunes: Together with a Collection of Approved Hymns and Anthems, Many of Which, Never Before Printed . New Haven: Printed by T. & S. Green for and sold by Simeon Jocelin and Amos Doolittle, 1782. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 17567
The Chorister’s Companion. Part Third: Containing a Collection of Approved Hymns and Anthems. In Three and Four Parts. Some of Which Never Before Printed . 15 + 32 pages. New-Haven: Printed by Thomas & Samuel Green, for Simeon Jocelin & Amos Doolittle, 1782-1784. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 1798
The Chorister’s Companion, Supplement: Containing 16 Pages of Psalm and Hymn Tunes,Newly Composed, or Not Before Printed in America . 16 p. of plates. New-Haven: Simeon Jocelin, 1792. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 24434
The Christian Harmony; or The Second Part of “The Art of Singing”: Comprising a Select Variety of Psalm and Hymn Tunes: Together with a Number of Airs and Anthems: Calculated for Schools and Churches . Andrew Law, A.M., ed. In two volumes. Vol. I. Cheshire, CT: Printed and sold by William Law, 1794. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 27205
_____. Vol. II. 56 pages. 1796. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 30680
_____. Vols. I and II. 1794-1796. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 27204
The Christian Hymn-book . John Thomas, ed. 3rd edition. 264 pages. Cincinnati: Looker and Wallace, 1815. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 34342
The Christian Psalmist: A Collection of Tunes and Hymns, Original and Selected, for the Use of Worshiping Assemblies, Singing and Sunday Schools . Silas W. Leonard and A. D. Fillmore, eds. Revised and greatly enlarged. 480 pages. Louisville: S. W. Leonard, 1854, c1850. ASU MICROFORMS: LAC 16397
The Christians’ Duty, Exhibited in a Series of Hymns: Collected from Various Authors: Designed for the Worship of God, and for the Wdification of Christians: Recommended, to the Serious of All Denominations by the Fraternity of Baptists . 2nd ed., improved. 331, xxv, 31 pages. Germantown, PA: Peter Leibert, 1801. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #307
_____. 3rd ed., improved . 331, 25, 32 pages. Philadelphia: Peter Leibert ; W. W. Woodward, 1813. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #28131
Church Hymn Book: Consisting of Newly Composed Hymns with an Addition of Hymns and Psalms from Other Authors, Carefully Adapted for the Use of Public Worship, and Many Other Occasions . Paul Henkel, ed. 1st ed. 564 pages. New Market, VA: Solomon Henkel, 1816. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #37829
The Church Praise Book: A Selection of Hymns and Tunes for Christian Worship . Melancthon Woolsey Stryker and Hubert Platt Main, eds. Tonic sol-fa ed. edited by Theodore F. Seward. 414 pages. New York: Biglow & Main, 1888, c1887. ASU MICROFORMS: LAC 10647
Clark, Jonas. The Use and Excellency of Vocal Music, in Public Worship: A Sermon Preached at an Occasional Lecture, in Lexington. Appointed to Promote and Encourage the Divine Use of Vocal Music, More Especially in Public Worship, on Wednesday April 25. 1770 . 38 pages. Boston: Printed for Nicholas Bowes in Corn-Hill, 1770. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 11601
Clark, Thomas. Plain Reasons, Why Neither Dr. Watts’ Imitations of the Psalms, Nor His Other Poems, Nor Any Other Human Composition, Ought to be Used in the Praises of the Great God Our Saviour--But, That a Metre Version of the Book of Psalms, Examined, with Wise and Critical Care, by Pious and Learned Divines, and Found By Them To Be As Near the Hebrew Metre Psalms, As the Idiom of the English Language Would Admit, Ought To Be Used: With a Short Address to Ministers and Heads of Families, Concerning Family Government . 33 pages. Albany: Balentine & Webster, 1783. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 17873
Coffin, Charles. An Address Delivered Before the Rockingham Sacred Music Society, at Exeter, May 10, 1815 . 11 pages. Exeter, NH: The Society and C. Norris, 1815. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 34383
A Collection of Camp Meeting Hymns. Peggy Dow, ed. 2nd ed. 128 pages. Philadelphia: D. Dickinson, 1816. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #37468
A Collection of Divine Hymns from Various Authors. George Elliot, ed.144 pages. Sangerfield, NY: J. Tenny, 1814. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #31401
A Collection of Divine Hymns, or, Spiritual Songs . Joshua Smith et al., eds. 180 pages. Poughkeepsie, NY: Paraclete Potter, 1810. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #21367
A Collection of Divine Hymns or Spiritual Songs . 48 pages. Middletown, CT: Seth Richards, 1816. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #37293
_____. New-Bedford, MA: Elijah Billings, 1810. 47 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #19801
A Collection of Favorite Psalm Tunes from Late and Approved British Authors, Never Before Printed in America . 18 plates. New Haven: Printed for & sold by Simeon Jocelin, 1787. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 20432
A Collection of Hymn Tunes from the Most Modern and Approv’d Authors . Andrew Law, A.M., ed. 46 pages + 36 plates. Cheshire, CT: Printed by Wm. Law, 1783. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 17571 19753
A Collection of Hymns for the Use of Christians . Jonathan Sturdivant, ed. 112 pages. Poughkeepsie: Printed by Bowman and Potter for the compiler, 1806. ASU MICROFORM: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 11424
A Collection of Hymns More Particularly Designed for the Use of the West Society in Boston . 162 pages. Boston: Printed by T. and J. Fleet, 1783. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 17848
The Columbian Harmonist, No. 1: Containing First, a Plain and Concise Introduction to Psalmody Fitly Calculated for the Use of Singing Schools. Second, a Choice Collection of New Psalm Tunes of American Composition . Daniel Read, ed. 39 pages. New-Haven: Printed by T. & S. Green for the editor, 1793. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 26057
_____. ... No. 2: ... . pp. 41-71. 1794-95. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 29390
_____. ... No. I-3: ... . 111 pages. 1795. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 29389
The Columbian Harmony: Containing the Rules of Psalmody; Together with a Collection of Sacred Music: Designed for the Use of Worshiping Assemblies & Singing Societies . Joseph Stone and Abraham Wood, eds. 112 pages. Boston: [s.n.], 1793. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 26215
Cotton, John. Singing of Psalmes, a Gospel-Ordinance, Or, A Treatise, wherein are Handled these Foure Particulars. 1. Touching the Duty it Selfe. 2. Touching the Matter to be Sung. 3. Touching the Singers. 4. Touching the Manner of Singing . 72 pages. London: Hannah Allen, 1647. ASU MICROFORMS: LAC 40139
Crane, John. A Discourse, Delivered at Upton, March 15, 1810, at Grafton, April 12, 1810, and at Sutton, (N.P.) March 13, 1811, [and] at Public Meetings of a Number of Singers, Who had been Improving Themselves in Sacred Musi c . 16 pages. Sutton, MA: Sewall Goodridge, 1811. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 22640
Dana, Daniel. An Address on Sacred Musick: Delivered at a Publick Meeting of the Rockingham Sacred Musick Society, in Hampton, October 6th, 1813 . 24 pages. Exeter, MA: Printed by Charles Norris & Co., 1813. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 28270
Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs: For the Use of Religious Assemblies and Private Christians: Being a Collection by Joshua Smith--and Others . 192 pages. Norwich, CT: Printed by Thomas Hubbard, 1794. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 27710
_____. 5th edition, corrected, without music. 180 pages. Danbury CT: Printed by Nathan Douglas, 1794. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 47214
_____. 216 pages. New London, CT: From Springer’s press, for J. Springer and J. Trumbull, 1797. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 32849
_____. Eighth edition, with large additions and alterations by William Northup, V.D.M. 216 pages. Norwich, CT: Printed and sold by John Sterry & Co., 1797. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 32850
_____. Ninth edition, with a large addition of hymns never before published, by William Northup, V.D.M. 214 pages. Norwich, CT: Printed and sold by John Sterry, 1799. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 36319
_____. Latest & largest edition, with large additions; without music. Portsmouth, NH: Printed at the Oracle-Press by Charles Peirce, 1799. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 36320
_____. The seventh edition, revised. 171 pages. Elizabethtown, NJ: Printed by J. Woods, for John Tiebout, 1800. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 38520
_____. New-London, CT: Printed by James Springer, for John Green, bookseller, 1800. 192 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 38522
_____. 192 pages. New London, CT: Printed by James Springer, 1800. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 38523
_____. Tenth edition, with a number of new hymns. 192 pages. Norwich, CT: Printed by John Trumbull, 1800. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 38521
Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs: For the Use of Religious Assemblies, and Private Christians: Being a Collection by Joshua Smith and Samuel Sleeper . The fifth Exeter edition, to which are added 32 hymns. 192 pages. Exeter, NH: Printed by Henry Ranlet, 1793. ASU MICROFORMS EVANS 46875
_____. The sixth Exeter edition, enlarged and corrected. 192 pages. Exeter, NH: Printed and sold by Stearns & Winslow, 1794. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 47215
Emmons, Nathanael. A Discourse, Delivered April 11, 1806, at a Publick Meeting of a Number of Singers, Who Were Improving Themselves in Church Musick . 31 pages. Providence: David Hawkins, 1806. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 10358
The Essex Harmony: Containing a New and Concise Introduction to Musick to Which is Added a Choice and Valuable Collection of Psalm Tunes Suited to the Different Measures of Either Version Composed in Three and Four Parts . Daniel Bayley, ed.22 pages. Newbury-Port, MA: Printed and sold by the author, sold also by most book sellers in Boston, 1770. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 11560
_____. The Essex Harmony: Containing a Collection of Psalm Tunes Composed in Three & Four Parts Suited to the Several Measures of Either Version . 18 pages. Newburyport, MA: Printed & sold by the author, 1771. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 11979
_____. 1772 edition. 18 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 12319
_____. The Essex Harmony, or Musical Miscellany: Containing, in a Concise and Familiar Manner, all the Necessary Rules of Psalmody: To Which are Annexed, a Variety of Plain and Fugeing Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Selected from Different Authors, both Ancient and Modern . 40 pages. Newbuyry-Port, MA: Printed and sold by the author and son, near St. Paul’s Church; where may be had his Select harmony, book of anthems in quarto, and a sett of tunes to bind in psalm-books, 1785. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 18925
The Evangelical Harmony: Containing a Great Variety of Airs, Suitable for Divine Worship: Besides a Number of Favourite Pieces of Music, Selected from Different Authors; Chiefly Original, To Which is Prefixed, a Concise Introduction to the Grounds of Music . Daniel Belknap, ed. 79 pages. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1800. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 36939
Federal Harmony: Containing, in a Familiar Manner, the Rudiments of Psalmody, Together with a Collection of Church Music; (Most of Which are Entirely New) . Asahel Benham, ed. 36 pages. New-Haven: Printed by A. Morse, 1790. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 22340
_____. 2nd edition. 58 pages. 1792. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 24092
_____. 4th edition. 58 pages. Middletown, CT: Printed by Moses H. Woodward, 1794. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 26640
_____. 5th edition. 1795. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 28261
_____. 6th edition. 1796. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 30054
The Federal Harmony: In Three Parts, Containing, I. An Introduction to the Grounds of Musick. II. A Large Collection of Celebrated Psalm and Hymn Tunes from the Most Approved Ancient and Modern Authors Together with Several New Ones, Never Before Published: Suited to All Metres Usually Sung in Churches. III. Select Anthems &c. &c. Compiled for the Use of Schools and Singing Societies . Asahel Benham, ed. 131 pages. Boston: Printed for the editor, and sold by John Norman at his office near Oliver’s-Dock, [1788?]. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 21485
_____. 1790 edition . “Tentatively attributed to Timothy Swan in the Dictionary of American Biography, but the attribution is doubtful.” 114 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 22919
_____. 1792 edition . 130 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 24831
_____. 1793 edition . “This edition attributed to Timothy Swan by Bristol.” 130 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 46884
Foster, John. A Discourse on Church Musick, Delivered in Brighton, March 29, 1811 . 18 pages. Brighton, MA: D. Bowen, 1811. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 22838
Freeman, Jonathan. A Discourse on Psalmody : Delivered at Newburgh, Before the Presbytery of Hudson, September, 1801 . 31 pages. Newburg, NY: Dennis Coles, 1801. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 520
French, Jonathan. An Address Delivered before the Rockingham Sacred Music Society at Portsmouth, May 8, 1816 . 16 pages. Exeter, NH: The Society; Printed by C. Norris & Co., 1816. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 37660
_____. The New American Melody: In Three Parts. Containing, I. An Introduction to the Grounds of Musick: or Rules for Beginners. II. A New and Complete Body of Church Musick Suited to All Metres Usually Sung in Churches III. A Number of New Anthems Adapted to Several Occasions. The Whole Entirely New and Composed for the Use of Singing Societies . 100 pages. Boston: Printed and sold by John Norman, near Oliver’s-Dock, and by Jacob French, in Medway, MA, 1789. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 21841
Glas, John, et al. Christian Songs Written by John Glas, and Others . 148 pages. Danbury, CT: Perth, Scotland: Nichols & Rowe, 1802. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #2325
The Gentleman and Lady’s Musical Companion: Containing, a Variety of Excellent Anthems, Psalm Tunes, &c. Collected from the Best Authors; with a Short Explanation of the Rules of Musick--the Whole Corrected and Rendered Plain . John Stickney, ed. 212 pages. Newburyport, MA: Printed and sold by Daniel Bayley in Newbury-Port, MA: and by most booksellers in New England, 1774. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 42707
_____. 1774-1780 edition . 212 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 13642 42045
Gilman, John Ward. A New Introduction to Psalmody; or The Art of Singing Psalms: With a Variety of Psalm Tunes, Hymns & Chorus’s; in Three & Four Musical Parts: The Whole Engraved on Copper-Plates . 22 pages. Exeter, NH: Engrav’d printed & sold by John Wd. Gilman, 1771. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 42240
Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs by P. P. Bliss and Ira D. Sankey, As Used By Them in Gospel Meetings . 112 pages. New York: Biglow & Main, 1875. ASU MICROFORM: LAC 16316
Gould, Nathaniel D. An Address Delivered at New-Ipswich, NH, May 16, 1818: At the Request of Bethel Lodge and the Hubbard Musical Society, being the Annual Meeting of the Several Organized Societies in Said Town . 23 pages. Amherst, NH: Printed by R. Boylston, 1818. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 44187
_____. Church Music in America, Comprising its History and its Peculiarities at Different Periods, with Cursory Remarks on Its Legitimate Use and Its Abuse; with Notices of the Schools, Composers, Teachers, and Societies . 240 pages. Boston: A. N. Johnson, 1853). ASU MICROFORMS: LAC 10642. Print version, a reprint edition, is available at WCU GENERAL: ML2911 .G69 1972 (available via interlibrary loan by clicking here).
Gram, Hans. Sacred Lines, for Thanksgiving Day, November 7, 1793. Written and Set to Music by Hans Gram, Organist to Brattle Street Church, in Boston. ; To Which are Added, Several Psalm Tunes, of Different Metres . 16 pages of music. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1793. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 25562
_____. 1794 edition with two additional anthems . ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 47066 47067
Griswold, Elijah and Thomas Skinner. Connecticut Harmony: Containing a Collection of Psalm Tunes Anthems and Favourite Pieces Many of Which Were Never Before Published To Which Are Added, Concise Rules of Singing. Designed for the Use of Worshipping Assemblies and Singing Societies . 62 pages. [United States: s. n.] Published as the act directs, 1796. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 30521
Grout, Jonathan. A Song of Zion: A Sermon, Delivered on the Occasion of a Meeting of a Singing School for Exibition, at Cummington (Mass.) March, 1811 . 14 pages. Northampton: W. Butler, 1812. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 25575
Harmonia Coelestis: A Collection of Church Music, in Two, Three, and Four Parts. With Words Adapted to Each, Comprehending not Only the Metres in Common use, but the Particular Metres, in the Hartford Collection of Hymns;-- The Tunes Correctly Figured for the Organ and Harpsichord.--With an Introduction [sic], to Music. / Chiefly Collected from the Greatest Masters in Europe, and Never Before Printed in America . Jonathan Benjamin, ed. 79 pages. Northampton, MA: Printed, typographically, by Andrew Wright, for Oliver D. & I. Cooke, booksellers, Hartford, 1799. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 35179
Hastings, Thomas. Dissertation on Musical Taste . 296 pages. New York: Mason Bros., 1853. ASU MUSIC LIB STACKS: ML3853 .H35 1968
_____. New York: Johnson Reprints, 1968. Reprint from the above edition . 296 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: LAC 10799
Howe, Solomon. Worshipper’s Assistant: Containing the Rules of Music, and a Variety of Easy and Plain Psalm Tunes: Adapted to the Weakest Capacities, and Designed for Extensive Utility, as an Introduction to More Critical and Curious Music . 32 pages. Northampton, MA: Andrew Wright, 1799. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 35643
Hubbard, John. An Essay on Music: Pronounced before the Middlesex Musical Society, Sept. 9, A. D. 1807, at Dunstable, (Mass.) . 19 pages. Boston : Printed by Manning & Loring, 1808. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 15276
Hymn Book, Designed as a Constant Companion for the Pious: Collected from Various Authors . 25th ed 291 pages. Philadelphia: Henry Tuckniss, 1802. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 2658
Hymns and Spititual Songs for the Use of the Methodist and Free-will Baptist Societies in New-England: Being a Selection from Newton, Watts and others... . 279 pages. Concord, NH: Daniel Cooledge (Geo. Hough, printer), 1811. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 23077
Hymns for Sunday School Teachers . 127 pages. New-York: Female Union Society for the Protection of Sabbath Schools, 1816. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 37907
Hymns on Different Spiritual Subjects In Two Parts: Part I. Containing xxvi Hymns on Various Subjects Suitable to Christian Worship, by Benjamin Cleavland. Fourth edition; Part II. Containing xxxii Hymns by Anna Beeman of Warren in Connecticut and xxiv Hymns by Amos Wells To Which is Added a Number of Hymns by Different Authors Particularly Adapted to the Baptist Worship . 120 pages. Norwich, CT: Printed by John Trumbull, 1792. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 24082 24195
Hymns on Various Subjects, for the Use of the Pious: Selected from Several Authors, Together with Originals . New edition. 144 pages. Wilmington, DE: Printed and sold by Hezekiah Niles, 1805. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 8522
Hymns, Particularly Designed for the Use of the Congregation Meeting Together in Edward Street, Soho, in London . Richard Burnham, ed. 320 pages (without music). Boston: Printed by Thomas Hall, for J. Asplund, 1796. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 31899
Jack, Robert. A Letter on Psalmody: Shewing, that Human Composures Ought Not to be Used in Christian-Worship, in Singing the Praises of God: What Thing Soever I Command You, Observe to Do It: Thou Shalt not Add Thereto, Nor Diminish From It.--Deut. 12. 32. See also Jer. 6. 16. Isa. 8. 20, and John 14. 15, and Mat. 28. 20: To Which is Added, Part of a Lecture; or, the Substance of One, from These Words, And to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant. Heb. 12. 14: Also, a Brief Description of the Christian Grace of Hope. That Hope That Doth Accompany and Comprehend Salvation . 48 pages. Philadelphia: Francis Bailey, 1790. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 22586
Kimball, Jacob. The Essex Harmony: An Original Composition, in Three and Four Parts . 111 pages. Exeter, NH: H. Ranlet, 1800. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 37732
_____. The Rural Harmony: Being an Original Composition, in Three and Four Parts. For the Use of Singing Schools and Musical Societies . 111 pages. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1793. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 25695
Kinne, Aaron. Alamoth: An Address Delivered to the Singing Schools in the First and Second Societies in Groton . 16 pages. New-London, CT: S. Green., 1798. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 33962
_____. 1812 edition . 11 pages. Brattleborough, VT: Printed by William Fessenden, 1812. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 25793
Langdon, Timothy. The Pleasure and Advantages of Church Music: A Sermon, Preached at a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, in Danbury, on Wednesday, April 5, 1797 . 10 pages. Danbury, CT: Printed by Douglas and Nichols, 1797. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 32351
Latta, James. A Discourse on Psalmody: In Which It is Clearly Shewn, That It Is the Duty of Christians to Take the Principal Subjects and Occasions of their Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs from the Gospel of Christ . 146 pages. Philadelphia: William W. Woodward, 1794. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 27201
_____. 1798 edition , “With corrections and additions.” 98 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 33988
_____. 4th edition, 1801 , “With corrections and additions.” 107 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 797
Laus Deo: The New-England Harmonist:Containing, Concise and Easy Rules of Music: Together with a Number of Tunes Adapted to Public Worship, Most of Which Were Never Before Published . Stephen Jenks, ed. 64 pages. Danbury, CT: Printed by Douglas & Nichols, for the author, 1800. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 37707
Laus Deo! The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony: In Three Parts. Containing, I. An Introduction to the Grounds of Musick: or, Rules for Learners. II. A Large Number of Celebrated Psalm and Hymn Tunes, from the Most Approved Ancient and Modern Authors; Together with Several New Ones, Never before Published: the Whole Suited to All Metres, Usually Sung in Churches. III. Select Anthems, Fughes, and Favourites Pieces of Music, with an Additional Number of Psalm and Hymn Tunes: The Whole Compiled for the Use of Schools, and Singing Societies. And Recommended by Many Approved Teachers of Psalmody . 104 pages. Worcester, MA: Isaiah Thomas, 1786. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 19752
_____. 2nd ed. with large additions, 1788 . 120 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 21193
_____. ... : To Which is Now Added, an Appendix, Containing a Number of Excellent Psalm Tunes, (Several of Which are Entirely New) and Other Pieces of Sacred Vocal Musick, Many of Which were Composed by Eminent European Authors, and Never Before Published in this Country: The Whole Compiled for the Use of Schools and Singing Societies . 3rd ed. with large additions, 1791. 143 pages. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 23490
_____. 4th ed. with additions, 1792 . 151 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 24461
_____. 5th ed. corrected and revised, with great additions, 1794 . 155 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 27202
_____. Containing, I. The Rules of Vocal Music, in a Concise and Plain Manner. II. A Large and Choice Collection of Psalm Tunes, Anthems, &c. Proper for Divine Worship; Many of which are Entirely New. The Whole Compiled for the Use of Schools and Singing Societies . 6th ed. altered, corrected and revised, with additions, by Oliver Holden, 1797. 142 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 32363
_____. 7th ed., 1800 . 143 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 37786 37636
Law, Andrew. Essays on Music . 24 pages. Philadelphia: Printed for the author, 1814. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 31899
Marshall, William. The Propriety of Singing the Psalms of David in New Testament Worship: A Sermon Preached at Middle-Octoraro; April 13th, 1774. At the Opening of the Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania . 74 pages. Philadelphia: R. Aitken, 1774. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 13395
Mason, Lowel. Sabbath School Songs, or, Hymns and Music Suitable for Sabbath Schools . 7th editiion. 48 pages. Boston: Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, 1836. ASU MICROFORMS: LAC 40139
The Massachusetts Compiler of Theoretical and Practical Elements of Sacred Vocal Music: Together with a Musical Dictionary. And a Variety of Psalm Tunes, Chorusses, &c. / Chiefly Selected or Adapted from Modern European Publications . Hans Gram, Samuel Holyoke, and Oliver Holden, eds. 71 pages. Boston: typographically, by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1795. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 28848
The Massachusetts Harmony: Being a New Collection of Psalm Tunes, Fuges and Anthems, Selected from the Most Approved Authors, Ancient and Modern. / By a Lover of Harmony . “Attributed to William Billings as possible compiler by Evans. Also attributed to Andrew Law as possible compiler in F. J. Metcalf’s American Writers and Compilers of Sacred Music .” 101 pages. Boston: Printed for, and sold by John Norman, 1784. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 18366
_____. 2nd edition, 1786 . 101 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 18933
Mather, Cotton. The Accomplished Singer: Instructions How the Piety of Singing with a True Devotion, May Be Obtained and Expressed ... Intended for the Assistance of All that would Sing Psalms with Grace in their Hearts; But More Particularly to Accompany the Laudable Endeavours of Those Who are Learning to Sing by Rule, and Seeking to Preserve a Regular Singing in the Assemblies of the Faithful . 24 pages. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for S. Gerrish, at his shop in Cornhill, 1721. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 2241
_____. The Wayes and Joyes of Early Piety: One Essay More, to Describe and Commend, a Walk in the Truth of Our Great Saviour, unto the Children of His Ppeople: With a Testimony Against Some Errors Which Many of Our Children Run into at a Time that Very Much Calls for It: and in the Audience of the General Assembly of the Massachusett-Province . 54 pages. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish at his shop at the Sign of the Buck in Malborough Street, 1712. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 1562
Mead, Stith. A General Selection of the Newest and Most Admired Hymns and Spiritual Songs Now in Use . p. 204. Richmond: Seaton Grantland, 1807. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 13045
_____. 2nd edition, rev. corr. and enl . Lynchburg, VA: Printed by Jacob Haas, 1811. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 23361
The Methodist Pocket Hymn-Book . 293 pages. New York: Soule & Mason, 1818. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 44830
_____. ... Designed as a Constant Companion for the Pious of All Denominations: Collected from Various Authors . 33rd edition, 1807 . New-York: E. Cooper & J. Wilson, for the Methodist Connection in the United States, 1807. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 13075
_____. 34th edition, 1807 . ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 13076
_____. 35th edition, 1808 . New-York: John Wilson and Daniel Hitt. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 15592
_____. 37th edition, 1811 . New-York: John Wilson and Daniel Hitt. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 23377
_____. 38th edition, 1812 . New-York: Daniel Hitt & Thomas Ware. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 26070
_____. 39th edition, 1813 . ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 29157
_____. 40th edition, 1813 . ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 29158
_____. 41st edition, 1815 . ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 35269
_____. 45th edition, 1818 . New-York: J. Soule and T. Mason. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 44831
_____. 46th edition, 1819 . ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 48685a
Mills, Samuel John. The Nature and Importance of the Duty of Singing Praise to God, Considered in a Sermon, Delivered at Litchfield, March 22d, 1775. Occasioned by a Public Meeting of the Singers, in that Place; and Publish’d at Their Desire .19 pages. Hartford: Printed by Ebenezer Watson, near the great bridge, 1775. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 14260
Mitchell, Ammi R. An Address on Sacred Music: Delivered before the Beneficent Musical Society, in the County of Cumberland, August 25, 1812... . 18 pages. Portland, ME: Hyde, Lord & Co. ; Boston: Samuel T. Armstrong, 1812. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 26101
Music in Miniature: Containing a Collection of Psalm Tunes of Various Metres . Compiled and set in score by William Billings. 32 pages. Boston: Printed & sold by the author at his house in Boston, NE, 1779. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 16205
The Musical Magazine: Containing a Variety of Favorite Pieces: A Periodical Publication . Andrew Law, A.M., ed. Numbers 1-4. 64 plates. Cheshire, CT: Printed and sold by William Law., A.D. 1792-1796. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 24464
_____. No. 1, 1792. 16 plates. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 24464
_____. No. 2, 1793. 32 plates. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 25708
The Musical Primer: Containing the Rules of Psalmody, Newly Revised and Improved: Together, With a Number of Practical Lessons and Plain Tunes, Designed Expressly eor [sic] the Use of Learners . Andrew Law, A.M., ed. 16 pages. Cheshire, CT: William Law, 1793. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 25709
_____. 2nd edition, 1794 . 16 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 27204
_____. 3rd edition, printed by Samuel Andrews, 1800 . ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 37787
_____. 3rd edition, printed by William Law, 1800 . ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 49106
A Narrative of Mr. Adam Rankin’s Trial, and Remaks [sic] on the Same: With Some Observation on His Vindication, and a Concluding Address, to Professors of the Presbyterian Denomination . 41 pages. Lexington: W. Maxwell & Co., 1793. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 27545
A New and Compleat Introduction to the Grounds and Rules of Musick: In Two Books: Book I. Containing the Grounds and Rules of Musick; or an Introduction to the Art of Singing by Note, Taken from Thomas Walter, M.A. Book II. Containing a New and Correct Introduction to the Grounds of Musick, Rudimental and Practical; from William Tans’ur’s Royal Melody: The Whole Being a Collection of a Variety of the Choicest Tunes from the Most Approved Masters . Daniel Bayley, chorister of St. Paul’s Church, Newbury-Port, ed. 28 pages. Newburyport, MA: Printed for and sold by Bulkeley Emerson, of Newbury-Port, 1764. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 9598
_____. 1764 edition , “Printed for and sold by Daniel Bayley of Newbury-Port.” ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 9599
_____. 1765 edition , “printed for and sold by Daniel Bayley, of Newbury-Port.” ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 41518
_____. 1766 edtion , “Engraved, printed and sold by Thomas Johnston, in Brattle-Street, Boston.” ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 10236
_____. 1768 edition , "Printed for and sold by the author, at his house next door to St. Paul’s Church, Newbury-Port. 36 leaves. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 10829
A New Collection of Sacred Harmony: Containing a Set of Psalm Tunes, Hymns and Anthems: Likewise the Necessary Rules of Psalmody . Oliver Brownson, ed. 56 plates. Simsbury, CT: Printed by Thomas and Samuel Green and sold by the author, 1797. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 31884
The New-England Harmony: Containing a Set of Excellent Psalm Tunes, in Three and Four Parts, Suited to the Several Measures in Either Version: Being the Largest Collection of This Kind Ever Yet Published . Boston: Printed and sold by John Fleeming, at his shop in King-Street opposite the south door of the town-house, 1771. 16 leaves. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 42256
The New Harmony of Zion; or Complete Melody. [microform] : Containing, in a Plain and Familiar Manner, all the Necessary Rules of Psalmody: To Which is Added, a Choice Collection of a Number of the Most Approved Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Selected from Various Authors, both Ancient and Modern--Also Several Anthems . Daniel Bayley, editor. 96 pages. Newbury-Port, MA: Printed and sold by the publisher, at his house near St. Paul’s Church, 1788. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 20956
The New Universal Harmony, or, A Compendium of Church-musick: Containing, a Variety of Favorite Anthems, Hymn-tunes, and Carols, Composed by the Greatest Masters . 106 pages. Daniel Bayley, philo musico, ed. Newbury-Port, MA: Printed and sold by the author, 1773. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 12664
A New Version of the Psalms of David: Fitted to the Tunes Used in Churches . N. Brady, D.D., Chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq., Poet-Laureat to His Majesty, eds. 246 + 74 pages. Boston: Printed by W. M’Alpine and J. Fleeming, in Marlborough-Street, 1765. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 9914
The Northampton Collection of Sacred Harmony: In three parts. Containing, I. A Plain and Concise Introduction to the Grounds of Music. II. A Large Number of Psalm Tunes, Selected from the Most Approved and Eminent Authors. Adapted to all the Different Metres and Keys Used in Churches. III. A Number of Lengthy Pieces of Several Verses Each, Many of Which Are Composition Never Before Published, and Calculated for the Use of Churches and Other Occasions;--With a Number of Universally Approved Anthems . Elias Mann, ed. 139 pages. Northampton, MA: Daniel Wright & Co., 1797. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 32416
Philadelphia Harmony, or, A Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns and Anthems Selected by A. Adgate: Together with the Rudiments of Music on a New and Improved Plan . A. Adgate, P.U.A. and Ishmail Spicer, eds. 20 + 56 pages of plates. Philadelphia: Printed for the authors, & sold by Westcott & Adgate, at their card-manufactuory, Front-Street, seven doors below Arch-Street, 1790. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 22299
_____. 1791 edition . A. Adgate, P.U.A., ed. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 46110
_____. 1796 edition . 20 + 64 plates. Philadelphia: Printed for and sold by Mathew Carey no. 118 Market Street. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 29953
A Poetical Description of a Methodist Camp-Meeting . 24 pages. Philadelphia: [s.n.], 1819. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 49145
The Psalmodist’s Companion: in Four Parts. Containing, I. The Rudiments of Musick, in a Concise and Easy Method. II. A Complete Collection of Psalm Tunes, Suited to All Metres and Keys, Usually Sung in Churches. III. A Number of Favourite Choruses, Fuges [sic], &c. Suited to Many Occasions. IV. A Number of Anthems. The Whole in Alphabetical Order, in Each Part. Many of the Pieces Never Before Published . 100 pages. Jacob French, philo musicae, ed. Worcester, MA: by Leonard Worcester, for Isaiah Thomas, 1793. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 25513
Psalms: Carefully Suited to the Christian Worship in the United States of America: Being an Improvement of the Old Versions of the Psalms of David . 302, 261 pages; contains Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. New York: T. & J. Swords, 1802. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #1891
Psalms: Carefully Suited to the Christian Worship in the United States of America: Being an Improvement of the Old Versions of the Psalms of David: Allowed by the Rev. Synod of New-York and Philadelphia, to be Used in Churches and Private Families . 328, 296 pages; contains Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. New York: S. Campbell, 1804. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #5858
The Psalms of David: With, Hymns & Spiritual Songs: : Also, the Catechism, Confession of Faith, and Liturgy of the Reformed Church in the Netherlands, For the Use of the Reformed Dutch Church in North America . 558 pages. New York: George Forman, 1801. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #1221
The Psalms of David: With, Hymns & Spiritual Songs: For the Use of the Reformed Dutch Church in North America . 364 pages. New Brunswick, NJ: Abraham Blauvelt, 1802. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker #2969
Rankin, Adam. A Process in the Transilvania Presbytery, &c, Containing: 1st. The Charges, Depositions and Defence in which the Defendent is Led Occasionally to Handle the Much Debated Subject of Psalmody. 2d. His Reasons for Declining, Any Farther Connections with the Body to Which He Belonged. 3d. His Present Plan of Proceeding, with the Pastoral Charge. 4th. His Belief, and That of His People, Concerning the Articles of Faith, Contended between the Reformed Associate Sinod; and the Sinod of New York and Philadelphia. 5th. A Appendix on a Late Performance of the Rev. Mr. John Black of Marsh Creek, Pennsylvania . 96 pages. Lexington: Maxwell & Cooch, 1793. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 46858
_____. A Reply to a Narrative of Mr. Adam Rankin’s Trial &c.: Lately Published by Order of the Transylvania Presbytery . 71 pages. Lexington, KY: Printed by J. Bradford., 1794. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 27598
Read, Daniel. An Introduction to Psalmody; or, The Child’s Instructor in Vocal Music: Containing, a Series of Familiar Dialogues, under the Following Heads, viz. Psalmody in General--Stave, Musical Letters and Cliffs--An Exercise for the Bass--An Exercise for the Tenor or Treble--An Exercise for the Counter--Tones, Semitones, Flats, Sharps and Naturals--Solfaing [sic], Transpotion [sic], &c.--The Several Notes and Rests, and Their Proportion--The Several Moods of Time--Several Other Characters Used in Music--Key Notes, &c.--Pitching Tunes, &c.--Graces . 2 + 29 + 1 + 4 plates with music. New-Haven: T. and S. Green, for the author, [1790?]. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 22829
The Responsary: Containing a Collection of Church Musick. Set with Second Trebles, Instead of Counters, and Peculiarly Adapted to the Use of the NewEngland [sic] Churches: Together with a Few Useful Rules of Psalmody . Amos Bull, ed. 100 pages. Worcester, MA: Isaiah Thomas, 1795. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 28370
Rice, Luther. An Address Delivered before the Singing Society of the Second Baptist Church in Boston at their Concert of Sacred Music: on Thursday Evening, February 16, 1815 . 12 pages. Boston: Printed and sold by Lincoln & Edmands, 1815. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 35780
The Royal Melody Complete: Or The New Harmony of Zion: Containing I. A New and Correct Introduction to the Grounds of Musick, Rudimental, Parctical and Technical. II. A New and Complete Body of Church-musick, Adapted to the Most Select Portions of the Book of Psalms, of Either Versions; with Many Fuging Chorus’s, and Gloria Patri’s to the Whole. III. A New and Select Number of Hymns, Anthems, and Canons, Suited to Several Occasions; and Many of Them Never Before Printed; Set by the Greatest Masters in the World: The Whole are Composed in Two, Three, Four, and Five Musical Parts, According to the Nicest Rules; Consisting of Solo’s, Fuges, and Chorus’s, Correctly Set in Score for Voices or Organ; and Fitted for All Teachers, Learners, and Musical Societies, &c. with a Preface on Church-musick, Shewing the Beauty and Excellence Thereof . William Tans’ur, Senior, musico theorico, ed. 3rd edition, with additions. 96 pages of plates and music. Boston: W. M’Alpine, 1767. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 10782
_____. 4th edition , “To which is added... ”. 112 pages. Newburyport, MA: Daniel Bayley, 1768. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 11085
The Rudiments of Music: or A Short and Easy Treatis [sic] on the Rules of Psalmody: To Which are Annexed, a Number of Plain Tunes and Chants . Andrew Law, ed. 24 pages. Cheshire, CT: Printed by William Law, 1783. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 17997
_____. ... To Which are Annexed, a Number of Tunes and Chants . 2nd edition, 1785 “with the Addition of a Number of Pieces Never Before Published.” 68 pages of plates. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 19057
_____. 3rd edition, 1791 “with the Addition of a Number of Pieces Never Before Published.” 68 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 23491
____. ... To Which are Annnexed [sic], a Number of Psalm and Hymn Tunes . 4th edition, 1792 “with the Addition of a Number of Pieces Never Before Published.” 76 pages of plates. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 24466
____. ... To Which are Annexed, a Number of Psalm and Hymn Tunes . 4th edition, 1793 “with the Addition of a Number of Pieces Never Before Published.” 76 pages of plates. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 46806
Sacred Harmony . 116 pages. [Farmington, CT?]: Thomas Lee Junr, [1800?]. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 38446
Sacred Harmony or A Collection of Psalm Tunes, Ancient and Modern: Containing a Great Variety of the Most Approved Plain & Simple Airs, Taken from the Massachusetts Harmony, Worcester Collection, Laws, &c. To Which is Added, Several New Tunes, Never Before Published: Together with an Introduction to the Art of Singing . R. Harrison, London, ed. 99 pages of plates. Boston: Printed & sold by C. Cambridge near the Boston Stone, 1788 or 1789. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 22615
Seccombe, Joseph. An Essay to Excite a Further Inquiry into the Ancient Matter and Manner of Sacred Singing: [Nine lines from Milton] . 16 pages. Boston: Printed and sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green, in Queen-Street over against the prison, 1741. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 4798
Select Harmony: Containing in a Plain and Concise Manner, the Rules of Singing: Together with, a Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns and Anthems . Andrew Law, A.B., ed. 100 p. of plates. Cheshire, CT: William Law, 1779. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 16318
_____. 1782 edition . ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 23492
Select Harmony: Containing the Necessary Rules of Psalmody: Together with a Collection of Approved Psalm Tunes, Hymns and Anthems . Oliver Brownson, ed. 84 p. of plates. New Haven: [Thomas and Samuel Green?, 1791?]. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 23227
A Selection of Free-grace Hymns: Carefully Chosen and Revised by Eben-Ezer Baptist Church under the Pastoral Care of John Inglesby, in the City of New-York: To Which Are Added Some Original Hymns: Also, a Copy of the Church Covenant . 324 pages. New-York: Printed by T. & J. Swords and sold by Inglesby & Stokes, 1807. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 12811
A Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs: Designed to Engage the Children of God, in their Private Circles and Public Assemblies, to Speak to Each Other in Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs: As a Supplement to Those Selections Now in Use . 128 pages. George C. Sedwick, ed. Fredericksburg, VA: Printed by Green & Cady for the author, 1815. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 35892
A Selection of Psalms and Hymns: Done Under the Appointment of the Philadelphian Association . Samuel Jones, D.D. and Burgis Allison, A.M., eds. 362 pages. Philadelphia: Printed by R. Aitken & Son, at no. 22. Market Street, 1790. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 22593
_____. 2nd ed. 394 pages (without music). Burlington, NJ: Printed by Stephen C. Ustick, 1801. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 50229
A Selection of Sacred Harmony: Containing, Lessons Explaining the Gamut, Keys, and Characters Used in Vocal Music; and a Rich Variety of Tunes Approved of by the Most Eminent Teachers of Church Music in the United States . Andrew Adgate, ed. 84 p. of plates. Philadelphia: W. Young, 1788. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 45213
_____. 3rd edition, 1790 “greatly improved and enlarged, and approved of by the most eminent teachers of church music.” 132 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 22884
_____. 4th edition, 1794 “greatly improved and enlarged, and approved of by the most eminent teachers of church music.” 132 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 47212
_____. 5th edition, 1797 “greatly improved and enlarged, and approved of by the most eminent teachers of church music.” 132 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 32818
Sharman, Edward. The Christian World Unmasked, or, An Enquiry into the Foundation of Methodist Camp-meetings: with a Plan for their Correction and Improvement, as Recommended by Mr. John Wesley, and, A Looking-Glass for Talkative Professors of Religion, by a Real Friend to Methodists . 72 pages. Watertown, NY: The author, 1819. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 49404
Singing of Psalms by Seven Constituted Sounds, Opened and Explained: On the Occasion of Differences in Many Congregations, with Reference to the Old and New Way of Singing Psalms. Composed by a Council of Divines and Musicians for to Mediate the Matter, and Make means to Reconcile the Differences . J. Rowe, possible editor. 14 pages. [Boston?]: Printed for all that desire to glorify God in the way of peace, by singing psalms, Anno 1722. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 39775
Singing of Psalms Vindicated from the Charge of Novelty: in Answer to Dr. Russell, Mr. Marlow &c. in a Letter to a Friend . 59 pages. London: Tho. Parkhurst, 1698. ASU MICROFORMS: STC II 1295 S3862
Sixteen Anthems: Collected from Tans’ur, Williams, Knapp, Ashworth & Stephenson; To Which is Added, a Few Psalm Tunes. Proper to Entertain and Improve Those Who Have Made Some Proficiency in the Art of Singing . 60 plates. [Boston]: Josiah Flagg, [1766?]. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 41612
Smith, William. An Assistant to the Evangelical Psalmodist: In Setting Forth the Most Worthy Praise of Almighty God . 52 pages without music. New-Haven: Printed at the office of the Connecticut Herald, 1816. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 38958
Snell, Thomas. Christian Psalmody: A Sermon Delivered in North Brookfield, April 23d, 1818, Being the Day Appointed for a Singing Lecture . 16 pages. Brookfield, MA: E. Merriam & Co., 1818. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 45740
Social and Camp-Meeting Songs, for the Pious . 216 pages. Baltimore: F. Lucas, Jun., and J. J. Harrod, 1818. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 45747
_____. 3rd ed, 1819 . Baltimore: John J. Harrod. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 49446
Social Harmony: Containing First, the Rudiments of Psalmody Made Easy. Second, a Collection of Modern Music, Calculated for the Use of Singing Schools and Worshipping Assemblies . Asahel Benham, ed. 56 plates. New-Haven: Thomas and Samuel Green, [1798?]. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 33398
_____. 1799 edition . 56 plates. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 36331
The Southern Harmony Songbook . William Walker, ed. Reproduced, with an introduction by the Federal writers’ project of Kentucky, Works Progress Administration; sponsored by the Young Men’s Progress Club, Benton, KY. American Guide Series . Four-shape notation. 11 pages. New York: Hastings House, 1939. ASU MICROFORMS: LAC 16542
The Spiritual Songster: Containing a Variety of Camp-Meeting, and Other Hymns . 174 pages without music. Frederick-Town [sic], MD: George Kolb, 1819. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 49481
Steele, Eliphalet. A Discourse on Psalmody Delivered at Paris, March 1799, at the Close of a Singing School . 15 pages. Utica, NY: William M’Lean, 1799. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 36365
Symmes, Thomas. The Reasonableness of, Regular Singing, or, Singing by Note: In an Essay, to Revive the True and Ancient Mode of Singing Psalm-tunes, According to the Pattern in Our New-England Psalm-books; the Knowledge and Practice of which is Greatly Decay’d in Most Congregations . 22 pages. Boston: B. Green, 1720. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 2183
_____. Utile Dulci. or, A Joco-Serious Dialogue, Concerning Regular Singing: Calculated for a Particular Town, (Where it was Publickly had, on Friday Oct. 12. 1722.) But May Serve Some Other Places in the Same Climate . 59 pages. Boston: B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, 1723. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 2481
Symmes, William. The Duty and Advantages of Singing Praises unto God: A Discourse Delivered at an Occasional Lecture in Andover. On Tuesday, April 6, 1779. Appointed to Promote and Encourage the Religious Art of Psalmody . 24 pages. Danvers, MA: 1779. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 16540
Todd, John. An Humble Attempt Towards the Improvement of Psalmody: The Propriety, Necessity and Use, of Evangelical Psalms, in Christian Worship: Delivered at a Meeting of the Presbytery of Hanover in Virginia, October 6th, 1762 . 40 pages. Philadelphia: Printed by Andrew Steuart; at the Bible-in-Heart, in Second Street, 1763. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 9524
A Treatise on the Proceedings of a Camp-Meeting:Held in Bern, N.Y., County of Albany: Which Commenced on Friday, the Seventh of September, 1810 ... by a Spectator . 11 pages. Albany: Websters and Skinner, [1810?]. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 21512
Tufts, John. An Introduction to the Singing of Psalm-tunes, in a Plain and Easy Method: With a Collection of Tunes in Three Parts . 5th edition. 2 + 9 + 1 + 12 leaves of plates with music. Boston: Printed for Samuel Gerrish, ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 39856.
_____. Seventh editon, 1728 . ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 39898
_____. Eighth editon, 1731 . ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 3482
_____. Ninth editon, 1736 . ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 40104
_____. Tenth editon, 1738 . ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 4315
_____. Eleventh editon, 1744 . ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 5502
The Union Harmony, or Universal Collection of Sacred Music: In Two Volumes. Containing, I. The Rudiments of Music Laid Down in a Plain and Concise Manner. II. A Large and Valuable Collection of Tunes, Suited to All the Metres Now Used in the Various Worshipping Societies in America, Many of Which Were Never Before Published . Oliver Holden, ed. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1793. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 25619
_____. 2nd edition, 1796 “with corrections and improvements.” ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 30573
Urania, or A Choice Collection of Psalm-tunes, Anthems, and Hymns: From the Most Approv’d Authors, with Some Entirely New; in Two, Three, or Four Parts: The Whole Peculiarly Adapted to the Use of Churches and Private Families: To Which are Prefix’d the Plainest, & Most Necessary Rules of Psalmody . 198 pages. James Lyon, A.B., ed. Philadedphia: [William Bradford?], 1761. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 8908
_____. 1773 edition , ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 12839
The Village Harmony: or, Youth’s Assistant to Sacred Music: Containing, a Concise Introduction to the Grounds of Music, with Such a Collection of the Most Approved Psalm Tunes, Anthems, and Other Pieces, as are Most Suitable for Divine Worship. Designed Principally for the Use of Schools and Singing Societies . 2nd edition, with large additions. Jacob Kimball, ed. 187 pages. Exeter, NH: Henry Ranlet, 1796. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 31494
_____. 4th edition, 1798 , corrected and improved. 201 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 34930
_____. 5th edition, 1800 , corrected and improved. 205 pages. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 38938
Wadsworth, Benjamin. Men Self-Condemned, in Being Worse in their Carriage to God, Than to One Another: Psalms Should be Sung, with Grace in the Heart; A Pious Tongue, an Enriching Treasure. / Preached by Benjamin Wadsworth Pastor of a church in Boston . 88 pages. Boston: Barth. Green, 1706. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 1283
Walter, Thomas. The Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained: Or, An Introduction to the Art of Singing by Note. Fitted to the Meanest Capacities. Recommended by Several Ministers . 24 + 16 leaves of plates. Boston: J. Franklin, 1721. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 2303
_____. 3rd edition, 1740 . 40 + 24 leaves of plates. Boston: J. Draper. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 4662
_____. 1746 edition . 25 + 16 leaves of plates. Boston: [s.n.] Printed for Samuel Gerrish. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 5878
_____. 1760 edition . 25 + 25 leaves of plates. Boston: Benjamin Mecom. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 8760
_____. 1764 edition . 25 + 24 leaves of plates. Boston: Thomas Johnston. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 41504
Ward, Francis. An Account of Three Camp-Meetings Held by the Methodists . 24 pages. Brooklyn: Robinson & Little, 1806. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 11793
Weld, Ezra. A Sermon, Preached at a Singing Lecture, in Braintree, May 21st, MDCCLXXXVIII . 28 pages. Springfield, MA: The Author, 1789. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 22264
Wesley, John. A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the People called Methodists: In Miniature . 1st American ed., from the 18th London ed. 152 pages. Baltimore: Diamond Press, 1814. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 33643
White, William. Thoughts on the Singing of the Psalms and Anthems in Churches . 13 pages. Philadelphia: s.n., 1808. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 16731
Wightman, Valentine. A Letter to the Elders and Brethren of the Baptised Churches in Rhode-Island and Narrhagansit [sic], Providence, and Swansy, and Branches Dependent in Places Adjacent: The Love of the Father and the Righteousness of Christ His Well Beloved Son, and Comforts of the Holy Spirit be with You All, Amen . 16 pages. New-London: T. Green, 1725. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 2719
Willard, Samuel. The Expediency and Proper Application of Sacred Music: A Discourse Preached at Heath, Feb. 21, 1816, as a Musical Lecture . 16 pages. Deerfield, MA: Graves & Wells, 1816. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 39826
Williams, Thomas. A Discourse at a Public Meeting of the Singers in the North Parish in Wrentham, 13th May, 1817 . 22 pages. Dedham, MA: Abel D. Alleyne, printer, 1817. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 42917
Willis, Richard Storrs. Our Church Music . 133 pages. New York: Dana, 1856. ASU MICROFORMS: LAC 10811
Wolworth [sic] Hymns . J. Swain, ed. 113 pages; includes a short essay on church fellowship and social religion. Philadelphia: Dickinson ; also published and sold by Hellings and Aitkin, 1811. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 24006
Wood, Abraham. A Hymn on Peace . 8 leaves of music. Worcester, MA: s. n., 1784. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 18890
Woodbridge, Timothy. The Duty of God’s Professing People, in Glorifying their Heavenly Father: Opened and Applyed, in a Sermon Preached at a Singing-lecture, in Hartford, East Society, June the 28th. 1727 by the Reverend Mr. Timothy Woodbridge, Pastor of a Church in Said Town . 16 pages. New-London, CT: T. Green, 1727. ASU MICROFORMS: EVANS 2979
Woods, Leonard. A Discourse on Sacred Music Delivered before the Essex Musical Association at their Annual Meeting, Boxford, September 10th, 1804 . 16 pages. Salem, MA: Printed by Joshua Cushing, 1804. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 7798
Worcester, Samuel. An Address on Sacred Music: Delivered before the Middlesex Music Society, and the Handel Society of Dartmouth College, at a Joint Meeting Held at Concord, (N.H.), Sept. 19, 1810 . 22 pages. Boston: Printed by Manning & Loring, 1811. ASU MICROFORMS: Shaw-Shoemaker no. 22289
Note: Micro-format materials housed outside the Appalachian Collection are thusly noted.
The American Musical Magazine . (journal contains church music to 1800). New Haven: Amos Doolittle & Daniel Reed, 1786-1787. WCU PER Microfilm: v.1:1 (May 1786) - v.1:12 (Sept. 1787)
Baldridge, Terry L. Evolving Tastes in Hymntunes of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the Nineteenth Century . 477 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Kansas, 1982. # 426
Bottoms, Jack Spruiell. The Singing School in Texas . xi, 162 leaves with music. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Colorado, 1972. WCU MICROFILM #109
Boyer, Horace Clarence. An Analysis of Black Church Music with Examples Drawn from Services in Rochester, New York . 252 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Rochester, Eastman School of Music, 1973. WCU MICROFILM #158
Brobston, Stanley Heard. A Brief History of White Southern Gospel Music and a Study of Selected Amateur Family Gospel Music Singing Groups in Rural Georgia . 589 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--New York University, 1977. #194
Cheek, Curtis Leo. The Singing School and Shaped-Note Tradition: Residuals in Twentieth Century American Hymnody . 302 leaves. Thesis (D.M.A.)--University of Southern California, 1968. WCU MICROFILM: #94 (on order for ASU)
The Church Musician: A Monthly Journal of the Church Choir Guild . London: s. n., 1891-1895. WCU PER Microfilm: v.1 (1891) - v.5 (1895)
Downey, James Cecil. The Music of American Revivalism . 219 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Tulane University, 1968. WCU MICROFILM #097
Drummond, Robert Paul. A History of Music Among Primitive Baptists Since 1800 . 412 leaves. Thesis (D.A.)--University of Northern Colorado, 1986. #392
Ellington, Charles Linwood. The Sacred Harp Tradition of the South: Its Origin and Evolution . 164 leaves. Thesis (Ph. D.)--Florida State University, 1969. #64
Eskew, Harry. Shape-Note Hymnody in the Shenandoah Valley, 1816-1860 . Thesis (Ph.D.)--Tulane University, 1966. #67
Fleming, Jo Lee. James D. Vaughan: Music Publisher, Lawrenceville, Tennessee: 1912-1964 . 173 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Union Theological Seminary, 1972. #69
Gruman, Eleanor. Kentucky Mountain Hymn Tunes . 90 leaves. Thesis (master’s)--Union Theological Seminary, 1951. WCU MICROFILM #154.
Hall, Paul M. “The Musical Million”: A Study and Analysis of the Periodical Promoting Music Reading through Shape-notes in North America from 1870 to 1914 . 140 leaves. Thesis (D.M.A.)--Catholic University of America, 1970. #62
Harley, Rachel Augusta Brett. Ananias Davisson: Southern Tune-book Compiler (1780-1857) . 312 pages. Ann Arbor: Thesis--University of Michigan, 1972. #72
Hulan, Richard Huffman. Camp-meeting Spiritual Folksongs: Legacy of the “Great Revival in the West” . 246 pages. Thesis--University of Texas at Austin, 1978. #98
Johnson, Alexander. Johnson’s Tennessee Harmony: Containing, I. A Copious Introduction to the Grounds of Music; II. The Rudiments of Music...; III. A Collection of the Most Approved Psalm Tunes and Anthems, Selected with Care from the Best Publications Extant, with a Few That Are Original, Suited to a Variety of Metres . 2nd ed., Rev. and Enlarged. 1 score (118, [2] p.) ; Published principally for the use of singing schools ; Shape-note notation. Cincinnati: Published for the author (Morgan, Lodge, printers), 1821. (Microfilm: Nashville, TN: Historical Commission, Southern Baptist Convention, 1963). #503
Keiser, Marilyn. Singing the Liturgy in Small Communities: An Account of the Pilot Project in the Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina Designed to Support Existing Local Music Programs and Develop New Ones . 326 leaves. Thesis (S.M.D.)--Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1977. #448
Kelton, Mai Hogan. Analysis of the Music Curriculum of “Sacred Harp” (American Tune-book, 1971 edition) and its Continuing Traditions . xii, 343 leaves : ill., maps, music. Thesis (Ed. D.)--University of Alabama, 1985. #400
Little, William and William Smith. The Easy Instructor; or, A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony: Containing, I. The Rudiments of Music on an Improved Plan ... II. A Choice Collection of Psalm Tunes and Anthems, from the Most Celebrated Authors, with a Number Composed in Europe and America, Entirely New ... Published for the Use of Singing Societies in General, but More Particularly for Those Who Have Not the Advantage of an Instructor . 1 score (112 p.) ; Four-shape notation. Albany, NY: Websters & Skinners and Daniel Steele ; Packard & Van Benthuysen [1813]. (Microfilm: Nashville, TN: Historical Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, [195-?]). #504
Lloyd, Benjamin. The Primitive Hymns, Spiritual Songs, and Sacred Poems: Regularly Selected, Classified and Set in Order, and Adapted to Social Singing and All Occasions of Divine Worship . 3rd ed., Corrected & Enlarged. xxiv, 558 p. ; Without music. Wetumpka, AL: Published for the proprietor, 1845. (Microfilm: Nashville, TN: Historical Commission, Southern Baptist Convention, 1969). #498
Loftis, Deborah C. Big Singing Day in Benton, Kentucky: A Study of the History, Ethnic Identity and Musical Style of Southern Harmony Singers . 264 leaves. Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Kentucky and University of Louisville, 1987. #474
The Musical Journal . London: The Journal, 1906-1910. 5 vols. WCU PER Microfilm: v.19 (1906) - v.23 (1910)
The Musical Remembrancer (a church music journal). London: J. H. Jewell, 1857. WCU PER Microfilm: no.1 (Mar. 1857) - no.4 (June 1857)
The Nonconformist Musical Journal . London: The Journal, 1888-1905. 18 vols. WCU PER Microfilm: v.1 (1888) - v.18 (1905)
Sims, John Norman. The Hymnody of the Camp-Meeting Tradition .181 leaves, music. Thesis (doctoral)--Union Theological Seminary, 1960. WCU MICROFILM: # 156
Smith, Carl Henry. The Lined Hymn Tradition in Selected Black Churches of Eastern Kentucky . 1987, c1988. 205 leaves. Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Pittsburgh, 1987. #502
Smith, Virginia Moore. Folk-Hymns of the Southland . 48 leaves. Thesis (M. A.)--Union Theological Seminary, 1948. WCU MICROFILM #151
Worst, John William. New England Psalmody, 1760-1810: Analysis of an American Idiom . 543 pages. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Michigan, 1974. WCU MICROFILM #282