Book of Kells Facsimile Is Here!
Aug 17, 2023
In May the Special Collection Research Center was thrilled to obtain a facsimile of the Book of Kells for inclusion in the rare books collection. Afte...

“In the Library with a Poison Book”
Apr 10, 2023
Finding something poisonous isn’t unusual when out in nature, there are plenty of plants and animals that are venomous, poisonous, or otherwise toxi...

Book History in "The Man Who Invented Christmas"
Dec 18, 2020
One of my new favorite holiday movies is The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017), which is based on the book of the same title by Les Staniford. N...

McCluney and Browning attend Rare Book School
Jul 25, 2019
When you think of summer camp, visions of horseback riding, swimming, and crafts may come to mind. But not for two University Libraries employees, who...