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- Contemporary Appalachian Photographers
- Contemporary Documentary Photography in Appalachia
- Contemporary Folk Painting in Appalachia
- Creation and Dispossession: Shenandoah National Park and its Residents
- Cultural History of Crop Production on Appalachian Farms
- Dialect of Southern Appalachia
- Eastern European Immigration in Appalachian Industry
- Ethnographies and Ethnographic-like Works on Appalachia
- Fiddle: From Europe to the American South
- Fiddlers’ Conventions and Music Camps in Appalachia
- Folk Healing in Southern Appalachia
- Folk Pottery in Appalachian North Carolina
- Foxfire Approach to Teaching and Learning: Pedagogical Roots and Legacy
- Frankie Silver: Tale of a murder and execution in myth, fact, and fiction
- Free Will, Missionary, and Primitive Baptists in Appalachia: Comparing Three Baptist Subdenominations
- Funeral Customs of Appalachia
- General Stores in Valle Crucis, North Carolina 1853 to Present
- George L. Berry: A Pathfinder
- Grassroots Activism and the Pedagogical Process in the Context of Rural Southern Appalachian Political Economy and Culture
- Hand Weaving of the Southern Highlands