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- Non-mining Protest and Resistance Movements in Appalachia
- Northeast Mississippi Hill Country Blues Pathfinder
- Northern West Virginia’s Petro-Chemical Industry
- Old-time to Bluegrass: The Emergence of a Fiddle Style
- Old-Timey Women Musicians in Appalachia: 1860’s to 1942
- Olive Tilford Dargan (Fielding Burke): The Life and Literature
- Oral History and Appalachia
- Oral Tradition in Appalachian Old-Time Instrumental Music
- Otto Wood: The Outlaw and the Ballad
- Outsider and Self-Taught Artists of the Appalachian Region: 20th and 21st Centuries
- Parks and People: The Effects of National Parks on Appalachian Communities
- Persistence of Agriculturally Based Home Economies in Appalachia with Special Attention to Mitchell County, NC
- Policies and Perceptions Surrounding Issues of Climate Change in Southern Appalachia: Air Pollution and Global Warming
- Polio in Appalachia
- Post Vietnam Women Appalachian Authors
- Prisons and Penitentiaries in Appalachia
- Protest Songs of the Appalachian Coalfields
- Published Field Recordings of West Virginia
- Quakers in Appalachia
- Quilts in Appalachia